Page 42 of The Mating Games

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It was Aurora.

Relief washed over me as our eyes met.

She looked radiant with sunlight filtering through the leaves, casting playful dapples across her face.

A small, mischievous smile played on her lips, the kind that hinted she enjoyed her brief game of ha’lok and sa’ji.

Despite the dire circumstances, the lighthearted moment felt like a breath of fresh air.

Before either of us could speak, a deep, guttural roar echoed from the next clearing.

The playful atmosphere vanished in an instant.

The reality of our situation crashed down around us.

Those creatures were close, too close.

We had to move.

Reaching out, I grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers.

It was a simple gesture but one that conveyed more than words ever could.

Together, we ran.

Our footsteps synchronized, two hearts beating as one.

The jungle was a maze of towering trees, thick underbrush, and unseen pitfalls.

With Aurora by my side, it felt more like an exhilarating adventure than a desperate escape.

Every so often, our eyes would meet, and in those fleeting moments, I saw trust, determination, and something more — a connection that went deeper than the mere need to survive.

As we ran, the roars of the creatures seemed to grow louder, more persistent.

They were on our tail.

But I wasn’t afraid, not with Aurora by my side.

We had each other, and that bond was our greatest strength.

* * *

Inside the cave, the world outside became muted.

The dim interior amplified the sound of our breathing — rhythmic and slightly accelerated from the adrenaline still coursing through our veins.

The amber glow from the bioluminescent plants illuminated the space, casting a serene and almost otherworldly aura.

Here, in this quiet refuge, the chaos and danger from the outside world seemed distant and unreal.

I stood still, taking in the sights and scents around me.

But above all else, my senses were acutely tuned to Aurora.

Her scent was tantalizing, drawing me in.

I could pick up on her pheromones — they told a story that words could never convey.

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