Page 54 of Almost Priest

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“She probably won’t even be there, Sam. Come on. We always go to O’Malley’s on Saturday nights. Everyone’s going.”

“Including Jen Miller.”

“Don’t be jealous. I know we haven’t had a whole lot of time together, but you could’ve come on the boat today.”

She scoffed. “Braydon, I amnotjealous. I just don’t like being made to look the fool.”

“Well, you could always keep me company so that Jen doesn’t get the opportunity to sneak in,” his brother said in a cajoling voice that made Colin frown.

There was some shuffling around and Colin scowled at the door.

“Braydon, don’t,” Samantha said in a patient but stern voice.

“Come on, Sam. We barely spent any time together since we got here. There’s still a while ‘til dinner. Let’s enjoy it.”

Colin pulled in a furious, tight breath and ground his teeth together. He considered busting into the room and interrupting them, but he was still in his towel and his near naked appearance in front of a guest would make Braydon suspicious.

“Braydon, I said I don’t feel like it.”

His brother sighed. “Fine. Will you be upset if I go out tonight?”

“Do what you want. It’s your vacation too.”

“Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?”

Samantha sighed. “No. I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep much last night and I’m cranky. Go to O’Malley’s tonight. Have fun. We’ll catch up later.”

A few minutes later when Colin heard the bedroom door click closed and the sound of Sammy’s soft footfalls moving around, he tapped on the bathroom door and peeked in. She was standing in the center of the room with her head flipped over, tying her hair into some sort of knot.

“Hey,” he greeted softly so not to startle her.

She stood, her hair flipping back in an arc of brown. When she smiled at him he fought the urge to kiss her. It would be wise to avoid contact with the family so close by and dinner only a few minutes away.


“You okay? I heard you and Braydon talking.”

She made an expression that told him she found the whole situation unfortunate. “Yeah. I should really talk to him, I tried, but he doesn’t seem to be listening. There’s this part of me that knows whatever we have going will fade by next month with him here and me back at school. Come fall he’ll be back in class and I’ll be teaching my own. I don’t see the point in hurting him and it isn’t like I can use you as an excuse.”

No, it would be best if she kept his name out of it. Their situation was temporary, but the others were not. They all saw him as a son, a brother, and a priest devoid of any sexuality. It would confuse his family to imagine him as anything else. If his mother found out, she would second guess his path, and he knew he was doing what he needed to do by joining the church. The energy it would take to explain this thing with Samantha to all of them and convince them he was still intending to take his vows was a daunting hypothetical he preferred to avoid.

Rather than say as much, say what she already knew, Colin said, “I think Bray understands how you feel more now than he did yesterday. He’s still your friend, Sammy. If you wanted to go to O’Malley’s I would understand.” But he wouldn’t enjoy her being there with Braydon instead of here with him.

“I know, but I don’t want to go. I meant what I said about seeing him with Jen. I swear I’m not jealous, but because I’m here with Braydon and he does nothing to stop her, he makes me look like a fool. He can do what he wants, but I’m not going to come out with claws over a boy I’m really not interested in, nor am I going to sit there and look like a pathetic doormat. He can take her to bed for all I care, so long as he isn’t flaunting it in front of me and the rest of the family.”

“They have a past, that’s all, Sammy. He isn’t doing it to be hurtful or disrespectful.”

“I know. Maybe their history isn’t as much in the past as they thought. Maybe they need to work some things out. I don’t want to stand in the way either. If he likes Jen he should go after her.”

“Are you always this level headed?”

She smiled. “I giggled like a toddler in a tub today because I sat in two inches of water. You know I’m not of complete sound mind in all matters.”

“You should have giggled. I wanted to. It was a great thing you did today. Don’t minimize it by acting like it wasn’t. I’m proud of you.”

She blushed. “Thanks.”

Like two silly teenagers they watched each other with bashful modesty.
