Page 55 of Almost Priest

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Finally Samantha said, “You better go get dressed. It’s almost time to eat.”

Later that night after the others had gone off to O’Malley’s, and Maureen and Frank disappeared to bed, Colin sat in the den forcing himself to read one more chapter of a book he was too distracted to even remember the title of. It was all gibberish to him anyway.

Sammy was tired. After dinner she had helped the others straighten up and then grabbed a book off a shelf in the den and said goodnight, claiming she had a bit of a headache. Colin’s mother doted over her for a few minutes and then left her to rest. He’d given Samantha a look that promised he’d be up to wake her once the others were all occupied elsewhere. His parents were likely settled in bed by now and the house was quiet, but he needed to wait a little longer.

After fighting back his impatience and rereading the page he was on three more times, he finally closed the book and stood up to stretch. Colin climbed the stairs quietly and entered his room, careful to lock the door behind him. Cutting through the bathroom, he found Sammy curled up under the soft covers and sleeping soundly in the dark.

Without hesitating, he slipped his arms under her body and scooped her up carrying her to his bed. She stirred when he placed her under his covers. Her eyes were soft slits fringed with dusty brown lashes that watched him intently.

Colin removed his shirt and jeans and stood before her in only his briefs and crucifix. She rolled to her back and smiled. Crisp white cotton panties rode low on her abdomen and accentuated her hips. A simple pink tank top covered her upper body, but he could see her nipples pebbling under the worn fabric.

He climbed in beside her.

“How’s your head?”

She giggled. “You know my head is fine.”

He kissed it anyway for good measure. “Are you still tired?”

She made a soft purring sound only a woman would know how to make. “Yes, but I’ll wake up.”

He pulled her to her side. “Don’t. I just want to hold you. We don’t need to talk.”

Her body snuggled in close to his and he reveled in the soft warmth of her in his arms. How would he ever sleep alone again without feeling like something was missing?

He watched her in the low light seeping from the bathroom. She was so incredibly attractive. There was not a bit of makeup marring her face. Her soft brown hair was natural and healthy. With his face so close to hers he could count every freckle that crested her nose and cheeks. They reminded him of sprinkled cinnamon, and he recalled a Natasha Bedingfield song.

He watched her until his eyes grew heavy and he no longer could keep them open. Pockets of warmth filled the hidden places between their curves. The last thing Colin thought before he drifted off to sleep was that he would probably die an old man and still recall exactly how she smelled and felt in his arms.

Colin’s mind roused when he heard a sound, but he didn’t open his eyes when he felt Samantha’s warm body still curled next to his. He pulled her close and nestled his face into the curve of her shoulder and breathed in the soft scent of her hair.

It was his brother’s voice that had him coming fully awake.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Braydon hissed and both he and Samantha jolted upright wearing matching expressions of apprehension and guilt. “What the fuck’s going on here?”

“It’s not what it looks like, Braydon?” Colin said quickly blocking Sammy’s partially dressed form from his brother’s view.

She must have forgotten to lock her door.

“What the fuck is it then? Jesus Christ, are you fucking my girlfriend?”

Before Colin realized what he was doing he was out of bed and grabbing Braydon by his shirt.

“Show some respect!” he seethed, giving him a hard shake. “I told you it isn’t what it looks like.”

“Then what is it, Colin? Because to me it looks likemygirlfriend’s in bed withmybrother who is about to become apriest!”

Colin loosened his hold of Braydon’s shirt and stepped back. “We aren’t sleeping together,” he admitted quietly. “Sammy’s a virgin and so am I.”

The personal detail about Samantha’s virginity seemed to shock his brother, but he quickly recovered and Braydon’s look of surprise returned to a scowl.

Colin looked back to the bed to check on Sammy. She was sitting up and appeared extremely uncomfortable with the situation. Her cheeks were crimson red as she averted her gaze and clutched the covers to her chest.

“Is this what you’ve been doing? Why you haven’t wanted to spend any time with me?”

Colin was about to answer, but realized his brother was addressing Samantha. She looked at him and anger glinted in her dark eyes. “Don’t act like I’ve been neglecting you any more than you’ve neglected me, Braydon. Since the moment we arrived you had no apprehension about leaving me to entertain myself.”

He scoffed. “That’s not true.” Braydon’s posture turned defensive. “I invited you tubing, to swim in the falls, fishing. You’re the one who refused to spend time with me.”
