Page 80 of Almost Priest

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Kelly pulled back and looked Colin in the eye. “Sammy’s here? Since when?”

Colin, apparently gaining control over his emotions once more, roughly swiped at his red eyes and stepped back, putting distance between them. “She just got here. She came with Braydon.”

“Well, that’s great!”

It was stupid for Colin to continue playing the martyr. So what if he didn’t become a priest? He was still a model Catholic. He didn’t understand why his brother insisted on torturing himself for the past months. Kelly knew why he couldn’t make his vows. What he didn’t know was why Colin had yet to go collect Sammy and make her a McCullough. It was like he’d given himself penance.

“It’s not great. She fucking lied. All this time she could have come back here and she didn’t.”

“Uh, not to sound like a dick, but you could’ve just as easily gone to her and you didn’t. So aren’t you guilty of the same thing?”

“I’m not carrying her child!”

“Whoa… What? Sammy’s pregnant?”

“Yes! And she looks about ready to pop and figured just now maybe she should share this news with me. And according to Bray, she didn’t even want to do that. He had to beg her to come here and do what was right. What I had every damn right to know nine fucking months ago!”

“Okay, settle down,” Kelly said, trying to digest all of this. “First of all, she probably didn’t find out about the baby until she was a couple of months late. By then she may have already assumed you had taken your vows. She may have been trying to protect you the best she knew how. Second, I sure as hell hope you didn’t hit her with a barrage of accusations when she told you. You know Sammy. She doesn’t have a deceitful bone in her body. This has probably been more than stressful on her. And thirdly, mazel tov! You get to be a father after all, just not the kind you thought you were gonna be.”

Colin didn’t quite look like he was ready to bust out the cigars yet. He looked pale and terrified.

“I’m not even sure what I said to her. I was just so shocked, but I know I wasn’t nice.” He shamefully bowed his head and whispered, “She was crying and I walked away from her.”

This time Kelly pushed him. Colin tripped backward, not expecting the blow. “What the fuck is wrong with you, man? She came all the way here to tell you in person and you fucking yelled at her? Jesus, I know you’ve been in a shitty mood since she left, but that’s not her fault. It’s yours, you fucking dope!”

Kelly rubbed his cold hands angrily over his face. “Where is she?”

“Braydon’s room,” he said in a barely audible voice.

Kelly didn’t even give him the courtesy of a goodbye. He simply walked into the house and left him there to stew in the misery that was his own making. When he reached Braydon’s room he knocked twice then walked in. Sam sat on the edge of the bed crying in his brother’s arms.

He walked around and nudged Bray out of the way then crouched down in front of Sam.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hi, Kelly.”

She gave him a teary smile. Yup, she was definitely pregnant.

“I heard you’re carrying some precious cargo.”

“I’m enormous.”

“Aw, well, that’s just because even the wee McCullough lads have big cocks. He’s probably regular size everywhere else.”

She sniffled and laughed. “What’s your excuse if it’s a girl?”

“Well, in that case, she must have her mother’s brains and therefore have an abnormally large melon.”

She laughed and punched him playfully in the arm. “Jerk.”

“Don’t worry, love, she probably has her mum’s looks too and therefore no one will think twice about her big head.”

Her chuckle was a half sob. She wiped her nose against the back of her hand and he teased, “On second thought, I don’t know. I remember you a lot prettier with a lot less snot on your face.”

He reached over and plucked a tissue from the box on the nightstand. He blotted her eyes lovingly and held the tissue to her nose.
