Page 81 of Almost Priest

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“Blow,” he instructed, and she did.

“That’s better,” Kelly said, taking her hands and holding them away from her body. “You look stunning, Sammy, snot and all.”

“I’ve missed you, Kelly.”

“You too, love. I can’t believe you’ve got my little niece or nephew in there. It’s bloody fantastic!”

“I think you’re the first in your family to see it that way.”

“Impossible. My mother’s probably already knitted it eight sweaters since you arrived.”

She looked at Braydon and her expression said she believed the opposite. Braydon quickly reassured her, “No, Sam, you can’t go by her initial reaction. She was just shocked.”

Sam let a hysterical laugh bubble past her lips.

“What?” Kelly asked, wanting to know what had suddenly amused her.

“She thinks the baby’s Braydon’s,” she confessed and laughed again.

Bray blushed and Kelly snorted.

“Well, it looks like she has another surprise coming. What do you say we let you get cleaned up and you meet us downstairs so we can clear up Mum’s confusion?”

Her smile fell away. “What about Colin?”

He pressed his lips together. He should have punched his brother in the head while he had the chance.

Colin had done nothing but walk around the place in a perpetual bad mood for the last several months and now that he actually had a blessing before him he was too thickheaded to appreciate it.

“Colin will come around, but you don’t need his permission to celebrate with the rest of us. You’ve got McCullough blood in you now. We need to commemorate such news with some fine Irish whiskey.”

She gagged. “None for me thanks.”

“No, love, none for you.”

When Sam joined the others downstairs she looked a lot better than she had, but was still a bit unsure of herself. Like he suspected, his mother was bursting with excitement over the news. This would be her grandbaby and therefore one of the most spoiled children to ever grace their mountains.

Sheilagh and Finn eventually joined them and congratulated both Sam and Braydon on the news. No one corrected everyone’s misconception that Sam was carrying Braydon’s child. This seemed to make Sammy uncomfortable, but she said nothing when Braydon only shrugged it off.

They spent the entire day in the kitchen, laughing and telling stories of when they were babies. Around five, Luke and their father joined them. He was glad to see a smile split his father’s bearded face when he heard the news. He lovingly hugged Sam and placed his big mitt on her stomach welcoming her to the family.

They were finishing dinner when Colin finally returned. Everyone aside from Kelly, Braydon, and Sam greeted him with a smile. All the merriment that had been in Sam’s eyes moments ago vanished. Colin stood in the doorway of the kitchen as if he didn’t belong.

“Colin,” his father greeted happily. “Did you hear the news? Braydon’s going to be a father!”

Colin’s shoulders visibly tensed as he scowled at Braydon. His jaw ticked and everyone quieted not understanding his reaction.

“Colin,” Braydon began apologetically.

“I aught to kick your ass,” Colin growled.

“What the hell has gotten into you, Colin Francis McCullough?” their mother asked, appalled at her eldest son’s manners.

Braydon stood up and tipped his chin at their older brother. “Do it. I’d love an excuse to knock some sense into you.”

“Everybody sit down!” their father barked. “What the bloody hell is going on here?”

“Oh. My. God,” Sheilagh suddenly chimed in. “It’s not yours,” she said turning to Braydon.
