Page 84 of Almost Priest

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He carefully unlaced her shoes and placed them beside his bed. Strong fingers plucked her socks from her feet and tossed them aside. She tried not to blush when he pulled her pants and panties away leaving her completely nude before him. She wasn’t sexy. She could barely pull off sexy when she wasn’t pregnant, but the way he looked at her made her feel more desired than she ever thought possible.

He placed both hands over her belly, forming a heart with his fingers and thumbs around her bellybutton, and pressed a kiss there. She watched, mesmerized, as his thumb traced the sign of the cross over the tight flesh of her abdomen as if he were anointing their child, blessing their baby.

He whispered promises as he spread kisses over her flesh, to their child, to her, and to God, and when the intimate moment had passed into something too large to voice he finally stood.

He never took his gaze from hers as he removed his pants and the last of his clothing. Her gaze strayed, the intimate moment pressing into parts of her still tender from losing him. The last time they’d made love it had been dawn. She hadn’t looked at him. When she finally saw him in all his naked glory she swallowed hard.

Yes, that would definitely get a girl pregnant.

He reached for her. “Come here.”

She let him help her to her feet and they stood toe to toe as he kissed her. His hands cupped her full breasts and she moaned into his mouth.

“Are you sensitive there?”

“Extremely,” she admitted.

His head dropped lower and he gently pulled one dark nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicked over the nub and her thighs pressed together. It seemed ergonomically impossible for them to actually make love in her condition, but she sure hoped Colin had a plan, because she never wanted him so badly.

“Do you think you can manage on your knees, Sammy?”

Liquid poured from her center, coating her swollen folds. She nodded. He turned her, swept her hair over one shoulder, and kissed the back of her neck. His soft, warm lips traveled down her spine and back again until she was trembling with desire.

“Please, Colin.”

He helped her onto the bed and carefully climbed up behind her. The touch of his hard thighs against her much softer ones was enough to make her come apart. Holding her hips supportively he fitted his knees between hers. “You’ll tell me if it is too much, Sammy.”

“It won’t be.”

“But you’ll tell me if it is.”

“Yes,” she agreed and his hard arousal nudged against her sex.

He parted her moist folds and began stroking slowly back and forth, making shallow dips into her wetness. His erection became slick with her cream. No barrier lay between them aside from Colin’s worry.

“Colin, the doctor assured me there isn’t a man alive large enough to do any damage to me or the baby. As long as you’re gentle everything will be fine.”

Her encouragement and the shared wisdom of her obstetrician seemed to be the only persuasion he needed. He pressed forward and filled her completely. It was incredible. Again she wanted to cry for how amazing it felt to be with him again, the touch of his skin to hers, his amazing warmth blanketing her.

He slowly moved in and out of her and they each moaned with pleasure. His hands held her lovingly and petted over her shoulders and thighs. Soft lips kissed the nape of her neck reverently and, again, he whispered his undying love for her. It wasn’t long before they were both coming apart.

They didn’t return to the rest of the family that night. Neither did they attend breakfast that following morning. It was the first time they could hold and openly love one another without shame or guilt and they reveled in the freedom of such gifts.

Aside from dozing a few moments between conversations, they had barely slept. By Sunday at noon Samantha’s stomach had begun to grumble. Colin insisted she stay in bed to get some sleep while he went downstairs to rustle up some food.

He didn’t have to go far. Someone, likely Maureen, had left a covered tray outside their door with muffins, orange juice, a jar of milk in ice, cereal, and even a pickle, which they assumed was intended for Sam in case she had some sort of clichéd craving.

They ate in bed and awoke sometime that evening long after the sun had set. “I need to call out of work tomorrow.”

Colin handed her the phone and waited as she left the message. It was wrong, taking off so close to her maternity leave, but there was no way she could make it back in time and be able to function in front of a class of thirty-five sixteen year olds.

After she hung up the phone Colin announced, “I’m driving you back. I want to meet your parents and ask your father’s permission to marry you.”

“What will you do if he says no?”

“Steal you away and make you my bride anyway, just like my father did with my mother.”

“Is this really what you want?”
