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“Do you have everything?” Oliver asks from the driver seat before pulling out of his driveway.

“Yep. I triple checked while you were driving Natalie to school.” He and I both agreed after going over the list last for the second time last night that him driving her to her last day of school was a big deal. I remember summer break and how much anxiety came with saying bye to the friends you weren’t going to see over break. Having a part of your routine not changed is important. Besides, I really like the girl. Hanging out with her last night was fun and my nails have never looked better.

“Alright then. Let’s make the three hour and six-minute drive to Austin.”

Once we get on the expressway and have been driving a ways, I ask him the question that has been bugging me. “How do you think I should approach him?” I am still not sure how to introduce myself or the reason I am bothering him.

“Yeah I was thinking about that and to be honest I have no idea. How does one approach something like that? Maybe start off with a joke?” he suggests shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh you mean something like, ‘Hey, I think your sperm made me.’” I try to dead pan that but as soon as it is out of my mouth, I am snorting and laughing so hard I almost pee my pants. Oliver is laughing pretty good himself.

“That is a good one but maybe not the best approach.” He looks at me once more before shaking his head and wiping tears from his face. When I finally calm down I somber up and look at pleading for some sort of advice.

“Seriously, what do I do?” I ask, shrugging my shoulders.

“Just be honest. I think if you just be yourself it will all come out the right way.”

“I guess you're right.”

“So what are you studying in school?” That is something I can talk about easily.

“I am studying to be an elementary school teacher. I figured it would work better with motherhood; you know.” He looks at me shocked for a second before turning back to the road.

“So you want a family?”

“I do. I want a big family.” I feel hair fall in my face and before I can fix it, his hand moves it from my shoulder and behind my ear. Goosebumps break out on my skin from his finger. I suck in a breath trying not to whimper but God, how can one touch send so many tingles through my body? “Thank you,” I say lamely not sure what else to say that won’t come out as desperate.

“Yeah. No problem. So are you going to go back?” The million-dollar question.

“I don’t know. Everything seems so unsure now.” His finger lifts my chin and makes me look at him.

“Hey, it is all going to be okay. I know right now everything seems lost and unsure, but it is only because it is all new. Once it has had a chance to sink in, everything will clear up.”

“You promise?” I don’t know why I am asking this man I hardly know to promise me anything but something about him makes me feel safe and like he would do anything to make it better.

“I promise, hazel eyes.” I lean into his touch and smile.

“Are you going to reenlist?” He hasn't mentioned anything about his duty, and I am curious.

“No. I was honorably discharged due to a medical injury during service. Plus, I would never reenlist while I have Natalie. So I am out.”

“I’m sorry.” He smiles at me. I love his smile. It's like opening a treasure chest that has been buried in the sand and finding gold.

“It’s okay hazel eyes. I am just trying to decide what I want to do next. Until then I am volunteering at the VA.”

“Why aren’t you married? Surely women throw themselves at you.”

“I guess you could say that. None that I have wanted, yet,” he says that last part looking right at me, and the signal does not miss my clit.

The rest of the ride is easy conversation. When we pull up to our destination, I begin to feel nauseous. “Maybe this is a mistake? I feel we should turn around.” I'm feeling like an idiot, but my nerves are getting to me.

“Look at me, January. I am right here with you, okay. You are not doing this alone.” I nod at him and smile.
