Page 29 of Dead and Buried

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In a room just off the entranceway, we find Dr. Price watching Zane put pillows inside of a blanket fort. There are tiny fairy lights hung up around the room. Tears spring to my eyes as I look around at the comfy blankets and snacks he has set up. He put so much thought into making this perfect for me. Nox must make a sound as he walks into the room because both Dr. Price and Zane turn toward us. Zane’s eyes lock on the tears spilling down my cheeks. He turns a glare on Nox. “What did you do to upset Viv?”

Nox raises a hand, turning to face me, and his eyes widen. I shake my head and throw myself into Zane’s arms. “It’s just so perfect.”

He looks down into my eyes before leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. “Popcorn is do—” a familiar voice says before cutting off.

I pull away from Zane, looking over at the doorway that Sloane just walked through. “Sloane. Hey.” I smile and wave at him.

“Popcorn,” he says, placing the bowl on the table under the TV before he turns and walks back into the kitchen.

“How do you know Sloane?” Zane asks.

“I’ve been tutoring him,” I explain, pulling away from him. “Give us a minute?” I ask and head into the kitchen before he can respond.

I find Sloane leaning against the island with his head in his hands. “Go away,” he says without looking up.

I step up beside him, ignoring his demand. I pull myself up to sit on the island next to him. Back home, my dad and I would have so many serious talks in the kitchen with me sitting just like this. It feels comfortable and familiar in a way that nothing has been lately. “Sloane,” I say softly.

He glances up, his head still resting in his hands. He stares at me like I’m a stranger and not someone he’s spent every Monday and Wednesday with after school. “You lied to me,” he says finally.

I shake my head. “I’ve only lied to you once.”

Sloane scoffs. “The guy who’s never asked you to be his girlfriend?”

I shrug. “Zane never asked. Still hasn’t actually.”

“He’s a fucking idiot,” Sloane snaps. “What about your fucking name?”

I sigh. “Viviana is my name. The only thing I’ve lied to you about is my last name. I’ve lied to everyone. But please, Sloane, you can’t tell.”

He bares his teeth at me. “Is that why you followed me in here? To be sure I wouldn’t spill your secret?”

He goes to walk away, but I hop off the counter to stand in his way, careful not to touch him. “That’s not it. If you want to tell them, go for it. I’ll go tell them myself if you want. I mean out there.” I point off, probably not the actual direction of school. “Viviana is dead! I didn’t have a choice, okay? It was either become someone else or marry a horrible man who wouldneverrespect me.” I breathe heavily, leaning against the island. “He’s fucking forty! He’s disgusting and has no record, but I’ve heard about the rape and sexual assaults that have happened at his hands. Why my father thought he would treat me any different, I have no idea, but I couldn’t do it! I just couldn’t do it. I love my dad more than anything in the world, but I couldn’t do it, not even for him,” I sob, admitting way more than I wanted to.

Big arms wrap around me, and I collapse against him. “Shh. It’sokay. I won’t tell. You’re safe here.” He sits on the ground, pulling me with him to sit on his lap. He rocks me back and forth. Footsteps echo in the room and we’re both quiet until they pass. His hand holds my chin, making me look up at him. “This man. Did he ever touch you?” he demands, his green eyes flaring with ferocity.

I shake my head. “No. He’d watch me, though. Every time we were in a room together, he watched me. I should have known he had a plan like that.”

“Not your fault,” Sloane snaps, holding me close to his chest. “Fuck, you’re barely even legal. How long has he been planning it?” I shrug my shoulders because I’m not sure. “You should tell Zane.”

I shake my head. “I don’t want to. I want to be Viv for a little while longer. Viv goes out for cheap pizza and goes on dates. Viv gets to do anything she wants. Viv gets orgasms and sleepovers and Viviana gets married off to a rapist. I don’t want to be her anymore.”

He frowns at me. “You need to tell them.”

I sigh. “I’ll tell them when it becomes relevant.”

A deeper frown mars his face. “When, not if?”

I nod. “I’ll be found by the end of October at the latest.”

Sloane growls, “Fine, but I’m telling Z someone’s been bothering you, so he keeps a closer eye on you.” I pout, but he just rolls his eyes at me and presses a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth. “I’m going to go do damage control.”

He sets me on the floor and stalks out of the room. I don’t think he can actually help the stalking and stomping he does. He’s so big he just makes noise when he moves. I sit on the floor, breathing deeply, and wipe my face. I don’t need Zane thinking that Sloane made me cry.


Zane enlisted Nox to search for the girl upstairs, but he’s an idiot. If anyone went upstairs, we would have heard it. This house is so old you can hear every movement on the stairs, which means...

I round the island to find her sitting on the floor. Her eyes are puffy like she’s been crying. She looks up at me and makes a small sound of shock, clearly not expecting to find me standing over her. Walking over to the fridge, I pull out a small ice pack and crouch down in front of her. “Here.” She takes it, looking at me questioningly. “For your eyes. You’re trying to hide that you were crying from Zane, right?”
