Page 49 of Dead and Buried

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He presses his palms into the door on either side of my head, closing me in, much like how Zane did in the hallway earlier. He leans in so close that I can feel his breath against my ear. “You had The Dentist after you and failed to tell me. I didn’t even know he was a member of the Rossi crime family. When there are men like that after you, you need to tell us.” I shiver as he tugs at the hem of my skirt. “As punishment, you’ll go through the rest of the day without any panties on. Do you consent to this punishment?”

My breathing saws in and out as I nod my head. Cain makes atsking noise that I always thought sounded stupid until he just did it now. “I need to hear your words, princess.”

It’s hard to stand here with weak knees, but leaning against the door helps. “Yes,” I manage to get out.

Cain’s fingertips trail along the hem of my skirt before they slowly skim up the sides of my thighs. A gasp makes it past my parted lips when he hooks his fingers in the waistband of my panties and slowly pulls them down my legs. He goes to one knee as he carefully works them over each of my boots when I lift my feet.

Cain looks up at me from his position on the floor and I might literally faint on him…again. There’s something so empowering about having a man with an ego as big as Cain Price’s on his knees for you. He hums, running his thumbs teasingly just under the hem of my skirt. “If only you were a good girl, I’d reward you by licking your pussy until you come all over my face.”

He suddenly pulls away, getting to his feet and tucking my underwear into his pocket, and walks over to his desk. I’m still trying to get my knees to hold me properly when he comes back over with a stackof papers in his hands. “Since I don’t have a TA, I want you to pass these study guides out to each student in class.” I nod to let him know I understand. “Remember, no panties for the rest of the day. If I find out you disobeyed me, I’ll put you over my knee and spank your ass in front of all the guys.”

Maybe his threat was supposed to scare me, but I’m suddenly intrigued by the idea of all the guys seeing me like that. To have my skirt flipped up over my ass as Cain punishes me. Maybe he’d even slip a finger inside of me to find me soaking wet. He snaps in front of my face to get my attention. He quirks one cocky brow at me. “It’s time for class.”

I force my unsteady legs to carry me as I turn around to unlock and open the door. I walk across the hall and into the classroom, where all of my classmates are already sitting. Cain takes his seat behind his desk. “Miss Russo will be around with a study guide for each of you.”

I start making my way around the room, placing a piece of paper on each student’s desk. It’s not so bad most; people just ignore me or give me a polite smile. A few of the guys stare at me for a little too long, but not many people give me trouble. A few of the girls who try to get extra attention from Cain call me a slut or whore under their breath, knowing I can hear them. That I can deal with.

What I can’t deal with is the guy who literally cups my ass as I walk by, like he has some kind of right to my body. Before I can turn around and sock the guy in the face or stab him, Cain stands from his seat. “Mr. Jacobs! Dean’s office, now!”

The whole room turns to stare as the guy whose face is now bright red stammers an apology before rushing from the room, not even bothering to grab his things. Nobody bothers me after that. Cain, however, is visibly pissed and in a terrible mood for the rest of class. He’s hard on everyone who can’t answer his questions as well as the people who do answer his questions. By the time class is over, everyone is in an obviously sour mood.

Cain asks me to stay behind once more, which gets me the same glares as usual. Once the last student leaves, he actually comes to me this time rather than me walking to his desk like usual. “I’m so sorryabout that.” He looks down as the vein in his temple pulses. “If I hadn’t made you wear that or pass out that damn paper, he never would have touched you without your permission.”

I shake my head. “No. I did nothing wrong, and neither did you. It’s lucky actually. He did that in your class. What do you think he’d do if we had been alone? It’s better he got caught doing this than something worse.”

Cain shakes his head. “It would have been someone else, though. I never want to compromise your safety for anyone else’s.”

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “Thanks. I’ve wanted to hear you say something like that since I was nine years old.”

“God, you make this sound so creepy when you say shit like that.” Cain pinches the bridge of his nose.

I smirk. “Says the dirty old man with a student’s panties in his pocket.” If I didn’t know any better, I would think the red tint to his face is embarrassment. “I’m going to be late for tutoring. I’ll see you later.”

I leave the room then because I’m afraid of what I would try to do if I stayed in there any longer. Probably beg Cain to follow through on his threat to spank me with Nox, Sloane, and Zane watching. I try to force those thoughts out of my head as I rush to the library, knowing I’m going to be late.


She’s late to our last official tutoring session. As I’m pulling my phone out to call her, she rushes in, out of breath like she just ran here, wearing a dirty old man’s Catholic school girl fantasy outfit. “So sorry I’m late,” she tells me as she collapses into her seat.

“Are you okay?” I ask, raising a brow.

She blows out a breath to get the hair out of her face and gives me a nod. “I’m fine. There was this guy. Anyway, it’s fine. Cain took care of it.”

“Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean? What happened, and how did Cain take care of it?”

Viv leans back in her chair. “Some guy groped my ass while I was passing out papers for the class and Cain sent him to the dean’s office.” She waves her hand in the air like it doesn’t matter now.

“He’s dead,” I tell her.

She shakes her head. “Nope. Can’t kill him.”

I gape at her. “Why not?”

She glares at me like I’m an idiot. “An entire classroom just saw him get sent to the office for an altercation with me. I’ll be the primary suspect if he dies or goes missing. At least right away. I’ll keep tabs on him and take him out when the time is right.”

Okay, apparently I am an idiot. This is why Cain is the brains of our operation and I’m not. I never would have considered how guilty Viv would look if anything happened to him. Fuck, she’s beautiful and smart. Plus, she’s wearing that outfit and my cock has been hard since she walked into the room. “Do you want to talk about what happened yet?” she asks me seriously.

I groan and violently shake my head, hoping to give myself whiplash for an easy out of this conversation. I’ve been avoiding talking to her about our kiss since it happened. A grunt leaves her delicate lips, and she looks at me for a long moment before shaking her head. “Fine. Let’s go over your biology study guide once more.”
