Noble Love

Author: Ella Goode
Category: Romance
Total pages: 27

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Noble Love

I know my frat is questionable, even on its best days, so when Autumn wanders in to clean the rooms in order to pay for her tuition, I know I need to take care of her. First step? Get her away from the brothers and into a safe spot. But this girl is too kind, too gorgeous, and too smart to ignore, and now I’m left wondering who is going to save Autumn from me?

I don’t belong at this expensive college, but a degree from here will make me set for life. If I have to clean a few toilets to graduate, that’s no problem. Dealing with a bunch of rowdy frat boys isn’t on my wish list of college activities, but there are worse things. I can keep the frat boys at bay by being careful and keeping my head down. It’s easy, except where Noble White is concerned. He’s the only I trust—to both save me, and corrupt me, both in perfect measure.