Page 114 of Sinful Secrets

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“Not here, Love. Too many witnesses. You can get your revenge later.” He said softly and I sucked in a breath, rage pulsing through me as the sound of a siren could be heard in the distance.

“I’m coming for you.” I mouthed at her, and she rolled her eyes, turning her back to me.

Stupid woman. I was going to enjoy breaking her.

“This was Vinnie. Get a message to Mikhail. Tell him to keep Victor on ice and that I need to take care of the trash first.” I said to Hamish as the ambulance arrived.

I let the paramedics take over, Riley answering their questions for me as I tried to think calmly.

Coming after me was one thing, but going after people I loved, was starting a war and Vinnie had just painted a target on his back.

“He has a severe concussion, three broken ribs, a hairline fracture on his cheekbone, and the toes on his left foot are broken. Then there is the superficial damage of bruises and cuts as well.” The doctor said and I felt an icy calm settle inside me.

“We have him sedated for now and want to keep him in for observation just to be safe. Should we be worried about security here, Miss Volkova?” He asked and I stared at him.

This man had guts confronting me and I respected that.

“No,” I said as I noticed Liam Walker coming over with a grim look on his face.

“You can go in and see him when you are ready.” The doctor said as he nodded at Liam.

“Everything alright?” Liam asked softly as Hamish and Riley stood behind me.

“No. Keep your men out of the Ironside area for the next twenty-four hours.” I said and Liam sighed.

“You’re going after Vinnie. That could start a turf war.” He said warily and I laughed.

“There won’t be anyone left to fight a war. Can I count on the Mendez's support?” I asked and he nodded.

“You know you have it. Try to avoid Dante if you can, he is a little on edge.” He said warily and I cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Why?” I asked, needing to know if Dante was going to be a loose cannon.

“Lack of sleep and unable to fix the problem. Plus they had some trouble with a minor shipment, some lowlife idiots thought they could make a move against them and Dante is out for blood.” He said with a tired smile.

“Theo said he sent some information over to you regarding the people who broke into your house.” He said as he looked at Riley and then back at me.

“But I assume that is going on the back burner until you get your revenge?” He said and I nodded.

“Yes. It’s time everyone remembered who is in charge.” I said and he sighed.

“How many bodies am I going to be dealing with? I’ve already had to cover up Dante’s mess this week.” He said with annoyance and I rolled my eyes.

“Please. Don’t insult me, Liam. There will be none for you to find. I’m calling in a favor.” I said with a grin and turned to Hamish.

“What are the chances of me having the support of the Serpents?” I asked and his eyes widened for a moment before he shrugged.

“I can’t see them saying no. I’ll speak to Tommy.” He said and went to make a call.

“Riley, I’d like you to stay…” He stopped me with a finger to my lips.

“If you so much as utter one syllable telling me to stay out of this, I won’t make you coffee for a week.” He said softly and I narrowed my eyes.

“Fine. Just… please don’t judge me once this is over.” I said and he smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“Never, Kitten. He is my friend too. You don’t think I am not angry?” He said softly and I sighed and looked at Liam.

“Can you put someone in his room? I don’t trust any of my men right now and he would have been marked as one of mine.” I hated that I couldn’t keep him safe with my own people right now.

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