Page 37 of Sinful Secrets

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I stared at her as she leaned over a little too far to grab the EFTPOS machine and my fingers itched to reach for my gun.

I imagined how pretty she would look bleeding out from a gunshot wound in her arm, screaming with snot running down her stupid pretty little face.

Okay. So that was irrational especially since Leo wasn’t even mine to get jealous over. But he was my bodyguard and that made him mine in some capacity.

Leo looked over at me and the slow smile that spread over his face said he knew exactly what I was thinking, the jerk.

He waved his card over the machine as I stepped up to the counter, a little closer than normal to him because dammit, Ineeded to let this bitch know that these men were not free-range cocks for her to collect.

“Thank you. Riley, I’ll be over there.” Leo said to the woman then nodded at Riley before he looked at me.

He took a step closer, his body warmth seeping into me, and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

“Good morning, Sweetheart.” He said just loud enough that the woman heard, and her face dropped for just a moment.

My heart did a little thump in my chest at the same time as my ego felt triumphant. He lingered a moment near my cheek, his eyes meeting mine before he leaned into whisper.

“Now you know how I feel every time I see a man look at you.” He said before he walked away, leaving me standing there like a mute idiot.

I looked at Riley who stood behind the woman in front of the coffee machine, an amused expression on his face which surprised me.

Just what had those two talked about?

“Kat, this is Lisa. Lisa, this is Katerina. My girlfriend.” He said, completely sending me for a loop.

He stared at me in challenge, waiting for me to deny it. I looked at Lisa who frowned, looking between me, Leo, and Riley with as much confusion as I felt right now.

“But…” She started to speak, and Riley cut her off.

“We are in a poly-style relationship. Leo and Katerina are together and so are me and Katerina. We all have a relationship together. A big, happy family.” He said and I glanced at Leo who was watching the entire thing play out with a grin, his eyes never leaving mine.

So, they were playing it like that then. I could deny it, put them in their place, and say there was nothing happening but right at this moment, I was selfish, and I liked…no, I loved the ideaof being able to claim them both and if they were the ones to suggest it like this, maybe they wouldn’t care so much either.

“Oh. I see.” Lisa said as Riley came around the counter with my coffee in hand.

“Here you go, Kitten. Just the way you like it.” He said before he planted a kiss on my lips, his free hand snaking around my waist in a possessive way that heated my blood and had me preening.

“Did you think I was going to let her flirt with me and not show her that I am spoken for, even if you haven’t taken me yet? I’m yours, Kat. Always have been and always will be.” He whispered before he made his way into the kitchen.

I watched him walk away, feeling like someone had just smacked me on the head with a mallet.

“You’re very lucky. Most of us can’t find one decent guy and you have two. They are clearly smitten with you the way they watch you.” Lisa said with a soft smile, and I swallowed before nodding.

“Yeah. It feels like a dream.” I muttered before the door opened and Lisa’s eyes lit up with the same flirtatious look she had earlier.

I glanced over my shoulder to see who it was and froze.

My neighbor, a very angry and disgruntled-looking neighbor, was walking toward the counter and froze when he saw me.

His eyes narrowed and his lips curled in a snarl.

“Oh fuck.” I heard Leo mutter as Hamish walked with purpose.

“You. Do you know how much money it is going to cost me to fix my damn driveway?” He snapped and I smirked.

“Probably the same amount it will cost me to replace my roses,” I said as he stopped in front of me.

I looked him over, taking in the tight riding pants and leather jacket he had on and his helmet still in his hand.
