Page 46 of Sinful Secrets

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“Mother, we have been through this. I am not interested in marrying right now.” I muttered, finally convincing her to come inside.

“Why ever not? You have a good job, you can fix things, Hamish. You can bring us back from the dark place your father took us. Besides, I already told the Davenports we would be attending.” She said with a delicate sniff.

“The Davenports? I have no interest in being around them.” I muttered and she sat down at the table, pointing at the kitchen.

“I got everything ready for tea. And the Davenports are a strong family. They have connections, Hamish.” She said, watching me as I boiled the kettle, setting the box down on the counter.

“The Davenports are also connected to the Police Department. Did you know that the officer trying to charge Tommy is directly reporting to Albert Davenport?” I said as I looked at her and she dusted an imaginary speck of dust.

“All the more reason for you to speak to their daughter Claudia. She is a few years younger than you and a fine woman.” She said and I grimaced.

“Don’t force my hand, Hamish. Do you want me to tell Tommy the truth?” She said with a glare, and I stiffened.

“No. I’ll go.” I said stiffly and she nodded triumphantly.

“Good. Because we both know he looks up to you like you are his personal hero and if he ever found out you were responsible for your father’s death, it would destroy him.” She said and I flinched.

She had continued to use this against me for years and I hated her for it. It was a weird sensation to both love and hate someone equally.

“I know, Mother,” I muttered, the memories of that night swirling to the surface before I could stop them.

“What did you bring for afternoon tea?” She said, satisfied that she got her way.

I opened the box and stared at the half-eaten donuts.

That little pain in the ass.

I couldn’t stop the smile though. She was a firecracker and a brat. Even knowing what I did about her now and who she was, I was drawn to her like a moth to the flame.

“Well, I had some donuts, but they are the wrong kind,” I said as I closed the lid.

My mother walked over and opened the box before I could stop her.

“Why are there bites in all of them?” She said and I winced.

“I got hungry,” I said and she narrowed her eyes at me.

“You’re lying. Who is she?” She said and I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What? Why would you ask that?” I said and she rolled her eyes, dropping the box in the trash.

“Because the last time you lied like this, it was over a woman. Mia, wasn’t it?” She said, knowing full well who Mia was.

“You remember how that ended don’t you?” She warned and I glared at her.

“I am well aware of what happened, Mother. I won’t forget it.” I snapped and she nodded.

“Good. Now, tell me what you are going to do about Tommy.”

I walked outside and took a deep breath, watching the sunset. My nerves were shot and I had a headache.

I watched a sleek black Porsche pull into Katerina’s driveway and the woman herself climbed out with a scowl.

She was also alone and I don’t know why that sent a bolt of fear through me, especially after seeing that man today warn her about Egor.

I made my way over to her quietly, hoping to poke her for a bit of fun after my day.

She had her hand on the front door handle when she spun around, gun in hand and fear flashing in her eyes before she recognized me.

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