Page 7 of Sinful Secrets

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His eyes met mine and I smiled politely.

“Are you on a date, Katerina?” Riley asked and I couldn’t hide the shock before I laughed.

“Riley! Of course not. You know I don’t date. He is just someone helping me with this meeting today.” I said as Leo glanced between us.

“Mmm. I know. You have told me for years that you don’t date. Shame. I am a great date.” He said with a wink, and I rolled my eyes, shoving his arm playfully.

“Stop it. I’m not the dating kind.” I glanced at the cabinet again and he laughed, reaching in to grab one of the donuts.

“Here. You were going to melt it with your mind. Fuel that sugar fix even more. Can I get you anything?” He asked Leo, who shook his head politely.

“Thank you for meeting me. Let’s get this over with.” I said to Leo.

“Thanks, Riley,” I called as he served another person. He waved goodbye to me as Leo followed me out of the building.

He glanced at the coffee and donut in my hand, eyebrow raised.

“What? Don’t tell me you are one of those people who treats his body like a temple and refuses to eat sweet things.” I said as I sipped my coffee, placing it on top of the car.

“Kind of comes with the territory of being a gym owner.” He muttered and I shrugged.

“Do you want me to ride with you or follow?” He asked and I considered the options. The idea of him getting into the car with me felt a little too close and I still wasn’t sure how much I could trust him.

“You follow. It isn’t far.” I said as I slid into the car, placing my coffee in the cup holder, and taking a bite from the donut.

Sweet, sweet heaven.

I waited for Leo to get into his car before I drove towards Industrial Park, the warehouse district and where most of these meetings took place.

It was supposed to be neutral ground, not that anyone treated it that way.

I parked out the front of one of Ivan’s warehouses and glanced around. It was quiet. Too quiet for my liking.

I got out of the car, watching Leo as he walked towards me. His expression was unreadable as he took in the buildings, then back to me with my coffee in hand.

“This is an odd place for a business meeting.” He said, the unspoken knowledge that he was aware of what this place was used for.

I shrugged, not ready to go into details when a gunshot echoed through the street and the side mirror of my car shattered.

“What the fuck?” I snarled as Leo grabbed me, looking around with wild eyes.

Another shot rang and my windshield shattered, making me jump and drop my coffee.

“Mother fucker.” I snapped, looking around for the source as Leo tugged me to the other side of the car.

I opened the passenger side of my car, reaching under the seat for the gun I had stashed and when I pulled it out, Leo narrowed his eyes at me.

“What the fuck kind of business meeting is this?” He snapped as I stood, another shot zinging over my head.

“Stay the fuck down. They are over there.” He pointed to a blacked-out SUV. I stood just enough to look over at the car and grind my teeth when I saw the shooter.

“ALEXSEI!” I shouted before I aimed my gun towards him, firing three rounds and smiling with satisfaction as his side window shattered and I heard him swearing.

“You made me spill my coffee, Alexsei. You know how I get about coffee.” I added as more shots echoed and a pop sounded as someone hit my tire.


They were supposed to be my men and here they were, shooting at me. I obviously needed to dig deeper into who was still loyal to Ivan because Alexsei had recruited too many new faces that I had trusted.
