Page 46 of In The Shadows

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“All the things I’ve had to do for you to get where you are.”


“All I’ve—”

Shaking with fury, I finally find my voice to shout back, “All the things you’ve done foryou! To gain power! I never asked for any of this! I wanted none of this! I wanted to be a scholar, remember?”

Pain shoots through my back, and I clench my jaw, hoping to hide my discomfort. His spit speckles my face, and I fight the urge to rip out of his grasp to wipe it away.

His head shakes with suppressed rage, and the muscles in his neck strain. Suddenly, he drops his hands from my shirt and steps back. I fall into the wall and bend my knees to stop from dropping to the ground.

We are both breathing hard, and he rubs at his jaw. He stiffens and turns back to me.

“This is a direct order, Captain,” he says.

My title is a hiss of his tongue, laced with venom. I push off the wall, stepping toward him.

“No. You can’t do this,” I reply, shaking my head.

“I don’t care what you want, Theodore!” he shouts, losing his briefly regained composure. “I have given you an order, Captain. Are you going to obey, or should I have them throw you in the dungeon for failure of duty?” He lifts his chin, knowing he’s won.

Gods help me.

He may be my father, but he’s my commanding officer above all. If I don’t follow orders, he wouldn’t hesitate to have the king torture me to prove his point. What he says goes, and I have no choice but to listen.

“Yes, sir,” I raise my chin and take the stance of the soldier I am. It’s a mask I’m so used to wearing at this point in my life.

“Good. You leave in three days. Have your team packed and ready to depart by lunch,” he commands like a true general.

Never the father he should be. I walk past him, shoving my shoulder into him as I head to the door and exit his quarters without another word.

Anger clouds my mind as I hurry toward the back of the castle, searching for fresh air. I burst through the door, startling the guards on duty. I know this path like the back of my hand, even at night with only the moonlight leading the way.

Breaking into a sprint, I let my rage fuel me, my legs pounding faster and faster with each step. I race along the gravel path down the cliff, along the backside of the castle. Stones kick out in all directions as I go. The night air has cooled, and the clean, fresh scent of the river fills the air.

The cloudless sky above allows the stars to reflect in the water, making it appear to be glittering. Falling to my knees at the river’s edge, I scream into the night, releasing all the anger and pain of the day.

Running my hands across my face and into my hair, I let my head fall back to stare up at the beautiful sky. I allow the water splashing on the rocks to help calm my nerves. I focus on the sound and not the emotions begging to be released.

Looking over, I see my ... our ... spot, and I head over to take a seat on the boulder, which holds so many childhood memories, both good and bad.

I think back to a time when I wanted to marry a different girl.My flower.I would give anything to remember what she looked like and not have the blood, hair, or haze always obscuring my view. But I’ll never forget the feelings she instilled in me: love and happiness.

My heart breaks because there is no way of getting out of this. I’ll either die in a failed ploy to steal back a worthless amulet or return and marry my friend.

“I’m sorry, I have no choice. I wish things could be different, but ...” My head falls as I realize I’m trying to talk to a spirit. Maybe the gods or the fates will hear me and change my destiny.

“I wish it was you because it has always been you. Even death can’t stop my love for you. The thread linking us will never break,” I say into the night air.

A breeze caresses my face, and I swear it’s her letting me know she’s here—that she understands what I must do. A wistful smile curves my lips at the thought of her being near, though I’m certain it’s all in my mind.

I hope she really would understand. The last thing I want is to marry, but at least Junie is a trusted friend. The thought of being king one day, however, makes my stomach turn.

I stare at the river for a long time, trying to figure out my next move, but my thoughts keep coming back to her, and my heart aches with betrayal. She would want me to stay safe and happy, but those two things are not exclusive. I know she would want me to move on. Even I know ten years is a long time to grieve the loss of your girlfriend, but she was more than that. I truly thought she was my fairytale love.My Amari. The threads of fate tied our hearts together as one through this lifetime and the next.

The trees across the bank rustle before the shadow of a bird breaks from the tops, cawing as it soars high into the sky. Standing, I brush off my trousers, giving the serene spot one more glance and whispering a goodbye to my girl.

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