Page 19 of Dragon Fire

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I nodded, trying to process what I had just learned about Brett and Buck. I had thought Brett was unfairly aggressive towards Buck, but now that I knew the history between the two, I suppose I could understand why. He did not show many outward signs of being so hurt though, and I wondered what other emotions ran beneath the surface. I couldn’t help but think of that earlier vision either. The more I thought about it, the more the faces of Brett, Buck, and Mason became clear. However, I wasn’t sure whether this was what I remembered from the original vision, or whether it was just the images being imprinted in my mind. I felt an uncomfortable itch of heat spread through my body.

“Mason, do you know anything about visions?” I asked, hoping that he might be able to shed some light on the things I was feeling.

Unfortunately, he shook his head. “I’m afraid not. Brett is the person you want to speak to about that,” he said. My heart sank. Brett had made it clear that he did not want me around. How was I supposed to be at ease with him when he still saw me as the enemy?


It wasn’t long after this that they returned, and immediately I could tell that something had changed. I wasn’tsure if I would ever learn what, exactly, but I was glad for it. There was less tension in the room, and I felt more at ease. Mason noticed it too.

“Do my senses really deceive me? Have you actually sorted things out?” he asked.

Brett and Buck exchanged an uneasy glance. “I think so,” Buck said.

“For now,” Brett added.

“I’ll take that,” Mason said. “Brett, Kadie wanted to ask you something about visions. Buck, I thought we could spend some time thinking about what Kadie told us. We have to figure out where Ilvar is going to strike.”

Buck nodded. He and Mason walked away, and I felt at a loss. Buck was the one I trusted, the one who had brought me here. Now he was leaving me with this mysterious man, the one with darkness in his eyes, and a whole lot of sorrow as well. I glanced at him uneasily, not knowing how to act. I didn’t think Mason had been cruel. He probably thought he was trying to help. And maybe he was. Maybe I was going to have to learn to spend time with Brett because if we were going to stop Ilvar, then I was going to have to get help from all of them, but I still felt uneasy in his presence.

He paced around the chamber.

“You want to know about visions?” he asked.

“Not if you don’t have time. I know it’s been a long night, and you’ve already been dealing with the loss of your leader. I don’t want to cause any trouble,” I said softly.

He smirked. “You’ve done plenty of that already.” He chuckled and I heard the rolling laugh emerging from the depths. But even though he laughed, I still got a sense of the sadness within his eyes, as though it clung to him like ink to paper. “But if you want to speak about visions, then you’re notgoing to get any sense out of anyone else here. So, what do you want to know?”

“Just… whether they’re really a thing, I guess? And if so, do they always come true?”

Brett sighed as he sat down. His long legs stretched out, almost reaching mine. “There are never easy answers when it comes to visions. I used to think that if we were being given these messages, then they should be clear, because otherwise what was the point of getting them? But I think that they tend to get muddled as they come from whatever ethereal part of the universe in which they arise. We can only do our best to interpret them, and it’s not always clear. They don’t tend to come that often either. That’s been the case with my visions, anyway.”

“What was your vision about?” I asked.

Brett leaned forward and a serious expression came across his face. “It was about a girl, a girl I loved. She was sweet and kind, and together we were happy. For a time, I thought that the vision had come true, but I think somewhere along the way, I got a little confused.”

“You thought it was Tammy,” I said without thinking. A shadow fell over Brett’s face, and he scowled.

“I see Mason has been talking.

I blushed and turned my face away, feeling as though I had made a mistake. “I’m sorry… he said he thought I should know if was going to understand you and Buck. It sounds horrible what happened though. I’m sorry that you had to go through that. I don’t know what it must have been like for you.”

“It was hell,” he said. For a moment he seemed far away, but then he brought himself back into the present moment. “But that was the past. I’ve spent enough time mourning and grieving. It seems as though there are other things to occupy our attention. What is your vision about?”

I suppose I should have expected him to ask the question, but the way it had been thrust upon me left me reeling. I didn’t dare confess that I had thought about three dragons, three men all coming around me, their muscular, hot bodies dripping with desire, their arms reaching out to caress every part of me. And I certainly wasn’t about to admit that I enjoyed it.

“I saw… I saw an egg cracking. The yolk poured out. Except it was hot. Steaming hot,” I said quickly, wondering if he could tell that I was lying. He looked thoughtful and leaned forward, putting his hands under his chin.

“I suppose the most obvious interpretation is that the egg is Earth and what you’ve seen is Ilvar destroying it. But it could also mean new life. Perhaps there is going to be a new beginning for dragons, or even a birth. If you like I can lead you in some meditative techniques that can help you embrace visions.”


“It’s quite easy,” he said before I could say anything. “It’s all about breathing deeply. All you have to do is quiet your mind and listen to the things around you. Feel the warmth in the air as it caresses your skin, listen to the whispers of the wind as it dances around you. Be at peace with your heartbeat and let the rhythm lull you into a deep state of awareness, and then images will come towards you. Don’t run, but let them come. Watch them intently and witness them flash in your mind. In fact, I think perhaps you should get some rest and try now. If you have already had one vision about the end of the world, you might have another. It could provide us with guidance. You might even be able to sense where we have to go. I will show you to a chamber.”

I tried to protest, but he told me that I had had a long night already and had been through a lot. I was going to need sleep, and it wasn’t as though we could rush away and defeat Ilvar there and then anyway. And if a vision did enter my mind, thenit might help us end the threat before it had a chance to truly begin.

But I was afraid that if I did have a vision, it would be even more intense than before. I didn’t want to see these three dragons coming towards me again because I had no idea how to handle it. I was just an innocent girl. I had been thrust into a world I wasn’t ready for, and I had no idea how to get ready for it.

Chapter Fourteen
