Page 5 of Unpretty

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Feminine voices reach me as soon as I step onto the porch and, right there, next to my sister is her curvy best friend—Rosie.

I wait for the rush of sexual need, but it doesn’t happen. No rapid pulse, no stiffening below the belt. I let out a big breath of relief. I must have been dehydrated or something… yeah… horny dehydration.

The two women are drinking wine and painting the porch.

“Hey Rosie, where did you stow the little goat?” I ask, looking around for the friendly fluff ball.

Both turn to stare at me, brows furrowed in confusion. Rosie raises her eyebrow and I notice her eyes are a chocolaty brown,not the honey color of the woman on the mountain, and not a gold fleck to be seen. I study her for another moment and realize she’s dressed differently too.

“What little goat? Are you okay Christian?” Kenna jumps in. She’s always ready to tease me.

“It’s the weirdest thing… I was up by the lake for the search and Rosie was there with a baby goat, who kicked me in the chest.” My confusion is mounting and I realize just how moronic I sound.

Both girls are gaping at me now.

“I wasn’t out for the search; I was working late helping deliver some kittens,” Rosie replies with a little shrug. Since she’s the town vet, that checks out; but what the heck is going on?

“I swear, she could have been your twin,” I mutter.

“Well, I already have a twin… so it must have been my doppelgänger,” Rosie states with a smirk.

Oh, wow. That’s right. I had completely forgotten about her twin sister, Briar The two are so different…

Loud stomping pauses our conversation as Tucker appears.

“Hey dick,” he calls. “You blocked my car in, so now you’re going to the store. We need more food for the chickens.”

I groan; talk about your all-time backfires.

“Chicken feed, chicken feed,” I mutter under my breath. Damnit, it’s been a while since I had to go to the feed store and everything has been switched around.

Staring at the surrounding shelves, it seems like I may be heading into big animal territory; I see grain for horses andpellets for pigs. The musty smell of animals and molasses assaults my nose and makes it itch with the need to sneeze. I stifle the instinct and wish that this place had some signs, but that isn’t the Lustre way. Everyone knows everyone here, and the stores all share that same mentality. Usually I love it, but now I’m just lost.

“Maaaaa,” a goat bleats.

No way. It couldn’t be…

“Come on, you silly goat,” a melodious voice softly coaxes the little beast.

A tinkling laugh makes me smile as I round the corner and walk into the next aisle. There is a cart stacked so high with animal feed that I can’t see over it; but I spy the little brown and white menace hopping to and fro, wrapping his lead around a shapely pair of legs.

As the lead winds tighter and tighter, I skirt around the cart as quickly as I can. Chaos recognizes me; his little nose twitches and his ears flick back and forth before he lets out an excited noise and runs toward me.

The woman, who is definitely not Rosie, lets out a yelp as she falls forward—straight into my arms.

The second her body presses against mine, I’m lost. Her gentle apple scent shoots straight up my nose and my cock instantly hardens. Long chestnut hair shines as it spills down her back, and all of her soft curves mold against me. Instead of helping her regain her footing, I pull her flush, and it feels like she’s supposed to be in my arms. Always. Forever.Mine.

“Arghlkwasnoiernkj,” her voice is muffled against my chest, so, reluctantly, I step back to allow her some breathing room, keeping my touch light on her shoulders in case she topples over again.

“I’m so sorry,” she says hurriedly, licking her lips as her eyes make their way up my torso.

“It’s no problem, I was glad to be of service,” I grin down at her, expecting her to smile back, but when her eyes reach mine, her face crumbles. Unshed tears spring into her amber orbs and she tugs frantically at the lead wrapped around her shapely, jean-clad thighs.

“I… I… What are you doing here?” she asks, panic filling her voice. “I’m sorry my goat jumped on you…”

She backs up slowly, eyes darting right and left, and it dawns on me that she thinks I’mangry. Oh. Shit. Shuffling back a few steps, I hold my hands up and hunch down; hoping to make myself look less threatening.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not upset about the goat thing… my dad just needed me to get some chicken feed because he’s out. I got a little turned around trying to locate it, then I heard Chaos as I wandered by, and it seemed like you needed some help.”
