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It pains me despite it being the right thing to do. I don’t even know how I’m managing.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, his eyes filled with concern and pain.

“It’s just… I can’t get involved with a pupil’s parent,” I say with a voice full of regret.

“Oh, I see. I understand you don’t want to jeopardize your job.

“I don’t think it’s against the law or anything, but I do know it’s not professional. It gets repeated during every staff meeting because of some prior bad experiences. I swear it’s not you.”

The air between us shifts. The warmth of his lips lingers on my skin like a bittersweet memory. Can’t I ignore the proper thing to do, just this once? Why do I have to be such a rule follower? I’m going to hate myself for this later.

Benson gets up. “Come on, I’ll grab some sheets and show you where the pull-out sofa is.”

I follow him into the hallway. I’m spending the night all right, just not in the way I wanted to.

Chapter Five


I look at the clock on my nightstand again for the thirtieth time since I slipped under the covers. It’s two a.m., and I haven’t had a minute of sleep. Usually, I’m asleep the minute my head hits the pillow after an evening shift at the bar, but tonight is different.

June is sleeping close by, nothing but a wall separating me from her. My dick twitches as I think back to her kiss, her fingers on my back, the sweet scent of her shampoo…

My hand flies to my dick, but it feels wrong. I can’t be masturbating with her in the next room. What if she hears me? I throw the covers off and slip on sweatpants, a shirt, and my flannel jacket. I need to release some of this pent-up energy.

In the hallway, I grab a pair of boots and head out to the shed in my backyard. I grab my axe from a hook on the wall and put a log on my chopping block. Splitting wood always takes my mind off things. It’s almost like meditating.

I chop log after log until I hear the screen door open. June is standing on the deck leading to the backyard. I sling my axe over my shoulder and watch her walk toward me.

“Hey, is everything okay?” she asks, shivering.

“I couldn’t sleep. You?”

She smiles. “Me neither.”

“You should put on some more clothes. You’re shivering.”

“I’m not staying out here long. Do you want me to make you a hot drink? Some tea or coffee, perhaps?” she offers.

“Sure. I’ll clean up out here and join you in a minute.”


Her smile is bright and warm, causing me to grit my teeth. If I don’t restrain myself, my lips will be all over her. I won’t, though. I’ll respect her wishes, even though it takes every last shred of willpower not to cross a boundary with her.

She heads back inside, and I put the wood and the axe back into the shed. By the time I walk into the kitchen, a fresh-brewed cup of coffee is waiting for me.

“Thanks,” I say, cradling the cup with both hands.

She joins me at the table with her cup. “How come you couldn’t sleep?”

I arch an eyebrow. “You know why.”

“I do?” she asks with a frown.

“June, come on. That kiss… How could I sleep after that?”

Her cheeks turn pink. “Yeah, it was the same for me.”
