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“Speakin’ of anything,” Coram said as he banked the fire for the night. “What next? Where do we go in the morning?”

Somplace new? Faithful wanted to know. His tail was twitching with excitement.

Alanna crawled into her bedroll, feeling exhausted but satisfied. “Well, we need to take the sorceress’s envelope to Halef Seif.” She yawned. “It must be pretty important, or she wouldn’t have tried to burn it rather than let anyone she didn’t trust have it.”

“Very well. And then?”

“I think we’ll ride south,” Alanna told her companions. “King Barnesh of Maren is holding a great tournament in April. I want to start acting like a knight again. And maybe we’ll find some adventures along the way. Sound good?”

It’s about time, Faithful grumbled as he curled up beside her nose.

From his own bedroll, Coram said, “It sounds beautiful. Now get some rest, Lioness.”

Alanna reached beside her and found Lightning’s hilt. She gripped her restored blade as she moved toward sleep, a weary smile on her lips. Her first year as a knight was over. She had survived. And if there was trouble ahead, well, she was ready for it.
