Page 48 of Tell Me You Love Me

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What the hell am I doing? And how far am I willing to let this go just to prove a point—to win some weird battle of wills?

His hand dips below the waistband of my shorts and it’s like a bucket of ice water has been poured over me.

I pull my mouth from his and shove at his chest. A brief trickle of fear sprouts before he lifts his head almost immediately and meets my gaze. The black of his eyes swallows the blue, and I don’t know what he sees when he looks at me, but he receives the message and shifts to the side, allowing me the space to scoot off the couch as relief crashes over me.

A glimpse at his expression in my periphery tells me he’s unfazed, like our heated make-out sesh didn’t freak him out like it did me. I’m just another girl, and it’s another day in the life of Jace Taggart.

My cheeks flame as I get to my feet and stomp toward his bedroom door without a second glance in his direction.

I’m too embarrassed. Too pissed off. Too turned on to look him in the eye.

Which is precisely the problem.

Turned on by Jace Taggart?


It’s like a nightmare come to life, too mortifying for words.

I slam the bedroom door behind me to the sound of Jace’s chuckle, and proceed to prop myself up against the slab of wood while I wait for my racing heart to calm down.

I hate that he got the best of me.

I hate that I enjoyed it far more than I should have.

I hate that he’s out there laughing, while I’m in here just trying to hold it together.

Fucking Jace Taggart.



Igroan when myalarm goes off and attempt to sit up, but instead roll off the couch like a sack of potatoes.

“Morning, princess,” Chris’s chipper voice calls out from the kitchen. I glance toward the sound with bleary eyes to see him standing by the coffee pot, a shit-eating grin on his face as he sips from a steaming mug. “Sleep well?” he asks with a chuckle, and I flip him off.

Fuck. It feels like someone threw a party on my spine last night.

I manage to stand and stretch out my back. “That fucking couch sucks. I’m throwing it in the dumpster out back,” I say, my voice raspy as I cross the living room into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. You’d think for the small fortune I know my parents likely paid for it, it’d be a little more comfortable.

I take a sip, savoring the taste of the strong brew, and praying it works a miracle, because that’s what I need if I’m going to get through practice like this. Otherwise, my ass is grass.

“Regretting your life choices?” Chris asks, eyeing me over the rim of his mug with a smile.

I grunt. “It’ll be fine.” Or it would have been, had I not fucking kissed Brynn last night.

I run a hand over my neck as I recall what she felt like pressed against me, her hot mouth on mine, tasting like forbidden fruit. All I wanted was to sink my teeth into her.

What the hell was I thinking?

I wasn’t. Obviously. What started as some ridiculous competition to get the other to cave and take the bed took a turn I wasn’t expecting.

It’s not like I meant to kiss her.

One second, she was pissing me off because she’s so damn stubborn, and the next, she’s wrapping her tight little body around me, and I’m slipping my tongue in her mouth in an effort to teach her a lesson.

Well, I got what I wanted, all right. She high-tailed her ass to my bed real fast after that.

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