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My astonishment was genuine. Who would be stupid enough to steal a second time? Did Hawk really think it was someone in custodial?

Misgivings settled in. I checked my phone again. He didn’t give the flirty reply I’d been expecting.

Hawk: This is for a less fun reason. I’m sorry. I’d really rather talk about this in person. Can you come?

My nerves began racing. My hands shook so hard I could hardly tap my reply.

Me: I’m here. I came to get my things.

Hawk: You’re at Ever After?

Me: In the custodial breakroom.

Hawk: Can you meet me on thefifth floor?

The fifth floor? That was where the Accounting offices were. It was also where the building’s security guard station was.

When I lowered my phone, Stina was still watching me.

“Why are you looking at me like that? No one here would steal anything,” I said.

“I’m not so sure,” Stina said with concern. “They have video evidence this time, Ella. It really is unfortunate that you weren’t where you were supposed to be Christmas Eve.”

Her words had too much undercurrent to be taken as anything but a jab. Slowly, they intertwined with Hawk’s vague texts.

Had Stina told him she’d caught me? Was this her way of getting back at me for not working like she wanted?

“I didn’t steal anything.”

Hawk couldn’t seriously think I did.

Stina pursed her lips so tightly her dark lipstick gave the appearance of a miniature bow. “I guess we’ll see about that, won’t we?”

I knew she wouldn’t take my quitting well. I knew to expect backlash. But this accusation?

I boiled inside, and without another word, I turned heel and darted out to the elevator.

Nerves tapping, blood racing, I couldn’t grasp what was going on here. When the elevator opened, Hawk stood near the stairs access directly across from it.

Beautiful, charming Hawk, in a suit that made him look like it had been sewn just for him, with arms folded acrosshis chest and an expression devoid of the delight that had been there Christmas morning.

I waited for him to wink at me, to smile, to give some assurance that all was well.

But his ice-blue eyes were cold and calculating. Once they clasped mine, he pressed his lips together in a pained expression.

I went to him, waiting for the suspicion to melt. I wanted him to pull me to his chest. I wanted him to ease my worries and assure me that there was nothing to worry about.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I don’t really know how to handle this. We need to talk to you. Is that okay?”


“Can you come with me in here? I’d like to show you something. I need—I need to talk to you, but I don’t want to do it out here.”

Something was off. His expression held pain and unreserved…disappointment?

No, it was more than that. He lookedhurt.
