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He couldn’t have known it would come to this, though. None of us could have.

“Take it away, man,” Sean said. “You’re doing great.”

I was grateful not to be in the same room with them. That way, they didn’t notice me clenching my fists on the desk beside my computer screen as a way to quell my nerves.

I hoped this went through without a snag. Adrian’s lawyer said if we got everyone to sign a new agreement, it might be enough to get the attacks to stop.

“All in favor of disbanding The Pact, note it in thecomments. We’ll have my lawyer whip up a new agreement like Adrian’s did for him.”

“You really think that will get whoever this is to stop?” Ulrich asked.

His question spread chills down the back of my neck. I’d thought so, yes, or at least give us the legal backup we needed to take this guy out once we caught him.

But would he stop?

“I’m in,” River said. “It sounds like it’s bordering the ridiculous.”

“Me, too,” Sean said. “Has anyone talked to Will about this?”

“Since he’s jailed just outside of Westville, Duncan, Maddox, and I are going to see him in prison as soon as we get a consensus,” I said. “If you’re in favor, comment. If we have a majority on this, we’ll pronounce The Pact disbanded.”

My knee bounced as I waited for the consensus. One by one, their comments came in.

Duncan: I’m in. Let’s be rid of it.

Maddox: Agreed 100%.

Ulrich: Disband.

Sean: I’m so there with you all. Let’s end it.

Adrian: You know I agree.

River: Yes. Let’s end it.

“What about the others?” Ulrichasked. “Knox? Henrik?”

“I’ll notify them,” I assured him. “There are only three who aren’t here, and majority rules. The Pact is officially disbanded.”

I felt like I should have a gavel or something. Still, there was an encompassing sense of relief as tension seeped from my shoulders.

“I’ll be in touch,” I told them.

We shared a few jovial comments and, one by one, the guys all left the call. And then I retrieved my coat.

Duncan, Maddox, and I had one more stop to make.

I’d never much liked Will. Not even at the frat. He was always pompous and used his anger and physical stature to push others around.

I’d joked around but kept my distance.

Seeing him dressed in yellow now was mildly satisfying after the stupid things he’d done.

The three of us sat on the opposite side of the glass and stared.

“So?” Will said. “What are you doing here?”

Dark circles eclipsed under his eyes. He’d put on a few pounds, and his cheeks were sallow and unshaven.
