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“Are you okay?”

“I feel great,” she admitted. “Tired, but great – and if it’s not meant to be, then I would rather be at home with our friends and family near.”

“Then let’s go home.”

“What about India and your elephant ride?”

And saw his beloved smile.

“If I was in the barracks, I could really crack a dirty joke there, but you would probably slap me…” he chuckled – and she laughed, nodding in agreement.

“Yeah, don’t ever compare me being pregnant to an elephant. It’s not healthy for anyone.”

“Never,” he said tenderly, leaning forward to kiss her gently. “Let’s skip India and go see our friends. I miss our cabin and air conditioning anyhow.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” she muttered, wiping her brow. “I thought it was just me who was melting away on a daily basis. I’ll book our tickets immediately.”

“Then I’ll pack our bags, sweetheart… both my sweethearts,” he said tenderly, laying a hand on her flat stomach before looking at her. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

“You know, soldier,” she smiled. “I’m getting a pretty good idea of how much that actually is – and really glad to see you are keeping up with me, husband.”


Several months later, Daphne was watching the sun rise from her hospital bed as she admired Max standing there, whispering and holding their son in his arms.

“You are one handsome boy,” he was saying, his voice full of emotion and awe, bringing tears to her eyes. “And someday, when you are ready, we’ll see the world together through your innocent eyes – and that will be the greatest adventure of them all, my sweet little Wyatt.”

Max leaned down to kiss the sleeping baby tenderly.

“I never thought I could love someone as much as I Iove your Mama… but I guess I was wrong,” he murmured softly, rocking the baby slightly and staring at him mesmerized – or so she thought. “But Mama is eavesdropping on our private conversation, so I love her more right now, but we both know better. It will be our secret,” he added, chuckling softly, and he looked at her.

“Max… are you and our son already ganging up on me?” she chuckled easily, her heart swelling with love as he walked towards her bed, handing her the baby that was starting to wake up and make smacking noises.

“I can’t help it,” he teased, leaning to kiss her tenderly. “That’s my boy.”

“He is,” she smiled up at Max as Wyatt made a noise of protest, waking up fully in her arms now and ready for his breakfast. “I love you – and our adventure is only beginning.”
