Page 74 of You Are Not Me

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“I could be his baby’s fairy stepmother.” Minty’s expression went dreamy as he aimed his eyes heavenward.

“As if.”

I rubbed my hand over Minty’s hair, smoothing the edges of it down so that it lay neatly. He smiled up at me and took hold of my hand, kissing my knuckles. “He’s so handsome, and princely too. He said he liked my nail polish.”

“Gay,” Windy said.

“Exactly!” Minty said, pointing at him eagerly. “That’s what I’m saying!”

“Or just polite,” Daniel said.

“Or wants to prove he’s all open-minded and shit,” Antonio offered.

“Or he’s going to marry me and fill me up with his handsome, brown-eyed baby-batter.”

Antonio recoiled, and I asked, “Baby-batter?”

“Sperm. Loads andloadsof brown-eyed sperm,” Minty said, like he was talking about ice cream. “Filling me up. Again and again.”

“Sperm don’t have eyes,” Daniel said, laughing.

“Peter!” Robert called from the kitchen door.

I was reluctant to leave the conversation, mainly because I wanted to see what Minty was going to say next, but I headed over to see if Robert needed my help.

“What’s up?”

“I shouldn’t ask you on your birthday, but since you’re the only one who hasn’t been drinking, can you go to the store and get ice? We don’t have enough.”

“I told you to get some on the way home,” Barry muttered from where he stood over the stove stirring ground beef over a gas flame. The kitchen table was a mess of diced tomatoes, shredded cheese, and other fixings for tacos. Barry’s library friends chopped onions and wiped at their eyes.

“Yes, you did. Thanks for pointing that out.” Robert blew out a breath like he was trying hard to be patient. “It’s a good thing he’s so cute,” he said to me and then shoved a five-dollar bill into my hand. “Get two bags. The Pilot’s just down the street on the corner, okay?”

“Sure.” I grabbed my camera and headed out to my car. I’d no sooner started it than a knock came at my passenger window.

“Hey,” Daniel said, opening the door and climbing in. “I’ve been recruited to come with you. They need cilantro from the Fellini Kroger.”

“They sent you with me because I need help with cilantro and ice?” I laughed.

“I think it’s a set-up.” He winked. “That okay?”

Effervescent joy surged in me. “Sure. Why not?”

You know damn well why not.

Daniel stretched out his long legs and moved the passenger seat back a little to accommodate them. The air conditioner took a few minutes to kick in, so I rolled down the window, letting fresh air rush in. The car filled with the sound of birds chirping and the breeze rustling in the trees.

I tried to sensibly analyze the bubbling sensations swelling and bursting inside me. Daniel’s physical presence was definitely addictive. When he was around, my heart lifted and my skin sang. Knowing he wanted me too was thrilling. And I trusted him. After what’d happened with Jeremy, knowing Daniel would never make a move I couldn’t handle, never push me faster than I wanted to go, left me feeling something I hadn’t felt in a long time.


As we came over the hill toward Broadway, I shifted in my seat and cleared my throat. The quiet between us ripened into a fleshy, palpable discomfort as I searched my memory for the moment when Adam had stopped being safe for me. I realized he’d been dangerous from the beginning.

Daniel said, “Everything okay?”

I hesitated. “Do you want the truth?”

