Page 176 of Only You

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Adam gave him a wry, tired smile.

We all began to eat, all of us tired, all of us damaged.


Chapter Thirty-Eight

The next morning,while Adam and I ate a quiet breakfast at the kitchen counter, and Milky Way begged her new buddy for a piece of his toast, my dad came into the room with a half-full black garbage bag. With a sad frown, he placed the bag beside Adam’s feet.

“Some of your clothes. Mo dropped them off just now while I was out getting the paper.”

Adam stared at the bag and then nodded. He’d been wearing the same clothes he’d worn when he came in on Christmas Eve, except when he wore my too-small things while he washed them.

“So,” Dad said, dusting off his hands and trying on a more cheerful air. “What’s the plan for today? A movie, maybe? A comedy to get your mind off things?” He reached into his back pocket for his wallet. “I’ll be happy to pay.”

“Thank you, sir, but I think I should be getting to Sean’s place.” Adam caught my eye and then ducked his head.

I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and said nothing. He was right. It was time to move on.

“Ah.” Dad glanced between us. “What time is he expecting you?”

“Anytime. He told me where to find the key to his house. I can let myself in if he’s not there yet.”

“I see.” Dad put his hands on his hips, studying Adam for a long moment. “If you ever need us, we’re here for you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Take care of yourself.”

“I will.” Adam stood then, and Dad gave him a hug.

Turning to me, Dad said, “I’ll be in my office. You’ll be taking him?”

I nodded.

Dad patted my back. “That’s good, Petey-boy. That’s good.”

“When do you want to leave?” I asked.

He glanced down at the garbage bag. “I’ve got my things. Whenever you’re ready.”

“Where does he live?”

“Off John Sevier Highway.”

I stood, pushing my unfinished toasted PB&J away. “Let’s go. I wanted to drop Milky Way off at Daniel’s house and take a box of stuff over there.”

Adam nodded, grabbing the garbage bag. He followed me up to my room and watched in silence as I added my point-and-shoot, my Leica, some camera lenses, a few pairs of jeans, a couple of T-shirts and sweaters, and multiple rolls of undeveloped film to a box. He waited in the bedroom while I was putting in my contacts in the bathroom. I added my toothbrush, toothpaste, glasses, and contacts kit to the box as well.

It was only when we were on the highway, the Volvo pointed toward the airport, that he asked, “So you’re staying with this guy a lot.”


“What’s his name again?”

