Page 69 of Only You

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I used the tongs to pull a photo from the solution. I hung it up and as it dripped, examined the shot. In it, I was ass up on the bed, my hands spreading my cheeks open, exposing my hole.

I bit my lower lip, admiring the composition. Daniel was a surprisingly good photographer. The picture showed off my wiry back muscles and the heart shape of my ass. My buttocks were smooth, except for the dark hairs close to my thighs, and the shade of my anus was similar to my nipples.

I hadn’t ever seen my asshole before, and I studied it. Vanity puffed my chest, and I couldn’t help but smile. My hole waspretty, just like Daniel had said.

The next photo I pulled out of the solution was of more than just my ass. It was me, face-up on the bed, gazing lustfully at Daniel. I remembered the feel of the duvet on my back, and the aching excitement of Daniel standing over me with the camera, and the avid expression on his face.

I studied the photo—full-frontal naked—not well-framed, but not awful either. He’d cut my feet out—typical newbie mistake. But it was different seeing myself this way. It wasn’t like looking in a mirror. It was more like looking at myself through Daniel’s eyes, and the black and white of the picture only added to the stark reality.

Next: a photo that emphasized my gray eyes as I gazed up, naked, horny, and shameless.

I tilted my head. My cockwaslong with a good-shaped head. My pubes led up to a treasure trail that gave out right before my trim stomach, which didn’t show a six-pack, but was tight and firm all the same. I wasn’tmytype, but I could see why I was someone’s.

I wasn’t just cute—I was hot.

I’d never thought I was ugly, but I’d never considered myself truly attractive before now. Now I could see what had drawn Daniel—and Adam—to me.

As I developed the rest of the rolls, I felt puffed up with vain pride. It was a new feeling, and in the privacy of the darkroom, I indulged it.

When I finished and all the photos were all drying along the wires above, I moved on to the second-to-last roll. It was the roll I’d let Kennedy play with. As I went through the negatives, selecting a few good ones to send to her as a gift, I hoped she was doing all right in Florida with her grandparents. I hoped she didn’t miss her mother too much.

I paused over one that I’d taken of her. The sun in her eyes, the freckles on her face stark in black and white. I smiled. I’d give this one to Daniel when I asked him to mail the ones she’d taken down to her.

The final roll was full of pictures I’d taken the night before while Daniel was sleeping.Thesewould be the ones I’d show Marta. There were three that were, in my not-so-humble opinion, spectacular. Daniel looked like a sleeping Adonis in them, moonlight dancing on his skin and hair.

Since our class assignment for the upcoming week was to capture images of “repose,” these were pretty much perfect.

Just like my ass.

Chapter Fourteen

That evening afterdinner, with my mom clacking away at her word processor behind the closed door to her office, and my father listening to The Beatles’White Albumand grading papers behind the closed door to his, I had the privacy to call Daniel.

The phone rang three times. “Hello?”

It was his mother. For some reason I hadn’t expected her to answer, and for a moment I froze, a memory jumping into my mind of her perched on the counter, plate in hand and ready to hurl onto the floor.

“Hello?” she asked again, this time with a hint of irritation.

“Um, hi, Mrs. McPeak. May I speak with Daniel?”

There was a small hesitation before Marlene spoke. “This is Danny’s friend? Peter?”


“Ah.” Another pause. “Thank you for taking Kennedy away the other day.” She cleared her throat. “She didn’t need to see me like that.”

“I was happy to help.”

“I’m sorry you saw me like that too.”

I noticed she didn’t apologize for what she’d done, just that I’d seen it. I wasn’t sure how to respond. I couldn’t find it in myself to tell her it was okay. “Me too.”

She let out an embarrassed laugh. “I’ll find Danny for you.” I heard her footsteps as she walked away, leaving the phone off the hook.

The wait wasn’t long. Another extension picked up. “Hello? Peter?”
