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I did too. No need to fight my desire for his lips now.

I touched our noses together, breathed in his scent, and gave in. The kiss started soft, sweet, and reassuring, but then I lost all sense of what vanilla might mean, pressing him down against his mattress, losing myself in the scent of his skin, the taste of his lips, and the sounds he made as I made out with him like a horny teenager, exploring his mouth with mine.

“Luke,” he whispered when he pulled free to gasp for breath. “I think you like me.”

I chuckled. “I guess I do.”

“And I think that I lo—”

I put my fingers over his mouth. “Don’t say it.”

He pulled my hand away. “But it’s true.”

“Is it? You barely know me.”

“I know enough.” He smiled, kissed my lower lip, then my nose. “I know that just being near you makes my heart sing. Like that dumb Carpenters song my mom always used to listen to when I was a kid. She played it while she cleaned. She loved it.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I think there’s nothing you could tell me that would make me hate you,” Minty said slowly. “You could even say that you wanted to end this, and I know I’d still love you.”


“Idolove you,” he interrupted, putting his hand over my mouth this time. “I love you, and I won’t take it back.”

I pulled his hand off. “You’re not allowed to love me until you know who I am.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“If it needs to be.”

“Then let’s go,” he said, standing up, straightening his skirt and shirt, and turning to the mirror to re-apply lip gloss and smooth down his hair. “Let’s go on our date so I can know everything about you.”

My dick protested, but Minty was right. Making out and humping in his dorm room wasn’t the plan for the evening. Suddenly, I was anxious. What if this wasn’t enough? What if he needed what Kyle gave him more than he needed—

I broke off my thoughts and focused on whatIwanted to give him tonight. A taste of the other me. But there was more to who I was than I’d be able to show in one evening. “You can’t learn everything in one night.”

“We have to start somewhere.” Minty reached out for my hand. “I started on my knees with you, but what it’s like tostandwith you? Or am I not allowed to do that, Sir?” he teased.

I stood and wrapped my arms around him, teasing back, “But you’re so pretty on your knees for me.”

Minty grinned, went up on his tiptoes to kiss my lips quickly, and then took my hand again. “Come on then. Let’s go on a date. I’ve never been on a real one. I hope it’s magical.”

I snorted at his fantastical bent, so absurd but so charming. “Let’s just settle for it being real.”



Luke had almostbeaten me up and fucked me back there in a fitof jealousy, or the desire to prove something to me—to Kyle too, even though he’d already gone. I knew it in my soul. Like I also knew that he hadn’t been able to because, as unlikely as it seemed, hecaredabout me. He didn’t want to hurt me tonight. He wantedthisinstead.

I glanced over at him, watching him lick his ice cream cone, the light of the Bruster’s neon sign reflecting in his hair. We sat on the bench next to the open window, licking and talking about nothing much at all.

It was amazing. I’d never had anyone want this with me before. Well, not anyone who also wanted to have sex with me. I had friends—great friends—who cared about me and enjoyed spending time with me. But no guy I’d had sex with cared about me like Luke did, and no guy I’d ever crushed on had wanted to actually date me either. They’d been content with a few sucks or fucks at most. The others had never even been interested at all.

“I had the pistachio here once, and it wasn’t the best,” Luke said, ducking his head to lick a drip from his cone. “But there’s no beating the chocolate.”

I opened my mouth to say I preferred Baskin Robbins’s chocolate for flavor, but then shut it. I didn’t want to wreck this moment of easiness between us.
