Page 57 of Marked By the Alpha

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“Oh my god!” I jumped up and down in excitement and reached over to feel the material. “It’s so soft.” I spun around to face Sebastian. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He climbed out of the bed and walked over to me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Once you’re ready, we can head out.”

“I won’t be long.” Turning back to the closet, I chose a sage green shirt, jeans and looked at the chest of drawers in the room. Pressing my lips together, I walked over and opened a drawer finding underwear and socks. “You thought of everything.”

Elation filled me as I got dressed and brushed my blond hair out. He even remembered a toothbrush for me. It sat on the vanity beside the sink and I happily cleaned my teeth.

The happiness I felt fueled the brave feeling from earlier as I picked out a pair of shoes. I slid my feet into them and looked in the mirror one last time.

I can do this. I can face Simon, say my piece, and walk away.

Standing straight, I squared my shoulders, lifted my head, and went out to meet Sebastian.



The man coming down the hall wasn’t the same man I brought home on Friday night. This one had his chin up, his green eyes shimmered like jewels, and he walked with confidence.

My mate looked sharp and sexy.

His scent overwhelmed me, but it wasn’t as strong as the night before. That meant his heat cycle was on the downswing. Which would give us a chance to finish getting to know each other.

“I am ready.” He spun in a circle, showing off his new outfit, and I reached out, pulling him to me, then dipping him back for a kiss.

“You look handsome.” I felt my cock swell, and he giggled.

“You make feel desired.” His cheeks turned pink.

I brought him back up and cupped the side of his face with my hand, running my thumb over his soft lips. “You are.”

“We should probably go.” He batted his eyes, and it hit me that even on the downswing of his heat, I had to fight the urge to rip his clothing off and mate.

“You’re probably right.” I held his hand and walked him out to my car, opening the passenger door for him.

“Th-thank you.” He slid into the passenger seat and I went around to my side.

Once I opened the door and get settled in, I started the car and we were off. He watched out the window as I drove over to the Grimclaw lodge. The closer we got, the more he seemed to have trouble breathing.

“Nolan?” I glanced over and saw him tremble.

He took a deep breath. “I still feel brave, just a tad nervous as well.”

“I’ll be right there with you.” I reached for his hand and he entwined his fingers with mine.

He said he felt brave, but his body language said differently.

I followed the road that led us onto Grimclaw land and, just like any other clan in Northvale; you had the variances in houses, yards, and buildings.

If you traveled to the east into Bear territory, the buildings and houses were bigger. To the south, the cat prides had really cool playgrounds for their young. And in the southwest corner, the boars had their own way of doing things.

Most shifters stayed within their species, but every now and again, there were odd pairings. Rumor has it that one boar ran away with someone from the panther pride. I remember hearing the story when I was a young pup.

“Hey, Nolan?” I jiggled our hands to get his attention.

“Yes?” His voice sounded distant, and it worried me.

“If you ever need to talk about what’s happened before we met, I’m here.” I lifted our hands, turning them to press a kiss to the back of his hand.
