Page 59 of Marked By the Alpha

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The judge sat there, taking notes as Simon spoke.

“Last Friday after the big game, Nolan was punished as per the Grimclaw rules allow when Sebastian Aarons came running from the woods with five other wolves in tow. He pissed on my boyfriend to claim him and ordered his pack mates to get him off the punishment bench. Then he left with him.”

Judge Glover looked up at Simon. “Is that all?”

“Isn’t that enough?” He sat forward. “I want my mate back.”

“Nolan is your fated mate?” The judge narrowed his eyes.

“He’smymate.” Simon snarled back.

Judge Glover nodded and turned his head to our side. “Nolan Wallace?”

“Yes, your honor.” His voice wavered.

“I’m just a mediator tonight.” The judge smiled at Nolan. “Do you agree with Simon Scott’s recount of the events?”

“No.” His voice came out soft as he shook his head.

“Go ahead, Nolan, spew your lies.” Simon slammed his hands on the table.

Judge Glover hit the table with his fist. “Enough.” He pointed to Simon. “I gave you a chance to speak. Now it’s Nolan’s turn.”

“Simon claimed me as his toy in middle school. You can ask others who know me and Simon. I always told him he wasn’t my mate. He wasn’t my alpha.”

Simon’s eyes narrowed as he emitted a low growl.

“He had me on the punishment bench because I stomped on his foot, told him he wasn’t my alpha, and ran off with my friend.” His voice wavered, and he sat forward. “Yes. Sebastian peed on me. I believe he did it to prove a point to Simon. Charity De Luca and her brother helped get me off that bench and then Sebastian fought with Simon until Lane called an end to it. That’s when Sebastian took me away from it all.”

The judge sat back and stroked his beard. “Am I to understand that Simon forced your submission?”

“Yes.” Nolan sniffled. “Before Sebastian, I didn’t have a scent that stood out about Simon, and being around him never brought on a cycle.”

“But Sebastian does?” The judge wrote something down.

“Yes.” Nolan jumped up and ran from the room. My dad held up his hands and motioned that he would go after him.

“Sebastian Aarons?” The judge’s deep voice raised again. “Your turn.”

“Friday afternoon, Nolan and I ran into each other and all I could smell was apples. Then I went for a run before the game and met a wolf with the same scent. It brought on his heat as we romped around. After the game, my pack planned a run. I caught my mate’s scent mixed with blood and followed it to Grimclaw land, and found the source in Nolan.”

“So you’re fated?” The judge asked for clarification.

“Yes. He’s mine and I’m his.” I shook my head. “Looking back, pissing to mark my territory wasn’t the best course of action, but I didn’t want to bite him with people around. Plus, he was being tortured for Simon’s pleasure.”

I stopped to take a deep breath and kept going. “Simon and I had an altercation, and Lane called an end to it.”

The judge nodded a few times, then looked over at Simon. “What do you smell when Nolan is around?”

Bradley laughed. “Fear.”

Simon’s head snapped around to his friend with a glare.

“Mister Scott. What. Do. You. Smell?” The judge’s voice growled out.

Simon threw his hands up and brought them down to the table. “Nothing.”

“Lane.” The judge looked at the Grimclaw’s leader. “I cannot let Simon have someone because he wants them. We all know the importance of honoring fated mates.”
