Page 69 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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My stomach drops with that statement. “Leo, you know damn well I told you I didn’t want?—”

Leonardo cuts me off as his lips crash against mine, eliciting a whimper from my lips. It’s pain though, not pleasure, and not the kind of pain I like. No, this is different. Something is wrong.

He’s pulled off me in a heartbeat and slung against the wall, his back and head bouncing as I trip on the coffee table and land on my ass. A gun clatters to the ground from the bottom of the coffee table and I promptly grab it, getting up.

“What do you want,kozyol?” Nik asks Leo with an unreadable expression. Not neutral yet not angry. I don’t know what’s worse. “Don’t worry, I don’t want the girl. You can keep her.”


Leonardo laughs, “The fuck you don’t.” He headbutts Nick, which causes him to groan and take a step back, but before I can blink his fists descend upon Leonardo’s face. He punches him three times and covers Leo’s face in blood. I don’t know what’s happening right now but I don’t want to be fucking part of it. “I see the way you look at her. The same way you looked at her three years ago.”

“I’ll ask one more time,” Nikolai says calmly, too calmly. “What are you doing in my home?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“You want to steal my coins?” Nik laughs, a throaty sound. “Framing me for Andrea’s death wasn’t enough? You causing it wasn’t enough?”

“Let him go, Nik,” I say softly, but he doesn’t look at me or stop. Doesn’t even acknowledge my existence. I point the gun at him and repeat myself. “Let him go, Nikolai.” He sighs like I’m annoying him. “Now.”

He drops Leonardo to the floor, snatching the box before he even hits the ground, then turns to me. “Get him out of my sight, then get dressed and go.” He looks me up and down in disgust. “I don’t want to see your face ever again.”

My stomach swoops, drops, and clenches all at the same time. What did I ever do to him to elicit this response after everything he said and did to me last night?

“Nik,” I whisper. “Wait.”

“I said… Get. Out.”



“No,” I reiterate and he gives me an evil smile.

I’m hitting a nerve and it shows, but he just goes to the bedroom and slams the door shut, locking it behind him.

“It’s time to go, Leo.”

There’s blood everywhere: on his face, the wall, the ground. It’s hard to even see what he looks like right now. He may have a broken nose, or more than that. I honestly can’t tell.

Leo nods and gets up from the ground, then spits on my face. “Fuck you.”

“Me?” I laugh incredulously as I wipe my cheek. “Fuck me?”

“Yeah.” He nods. “Fuckyou.”

“You forced me into this, asshole!” I spread my arms wide. “Look at me. You’re ruining my life.”

“Nah,” he says nonchalantly, the picture of calm as he walks out. “You’re doing that all on your own.”

With that, he exits, and I shut the door behind him, searching for my clothes. They’re nowhere to be found and I’m completely naked. I knock on the door, pounding on it until my hands hurt, but he still doesn’t open up.

“Please, Nik,” I sob, sliding down the door and onto the ground. “I just need my keys and a long shirt then I’ll leave you alone forever.”

There’s shuffling and then the door opens, but I don’t look. A shirt lands on my face and I don’t take it off, not wanting to see his face. He has other plans however, because he yanks the shirt off my face, pushes me down to the ground, and straddles me. His knees dig into my ribs and his hands wrap around my neck, his grip tight. I don’t mind it, though; I like the violence.

“So this was a game to you, Camilla?” he asks me and I glance away from him, not wanting to tell him that it was too real to be a game. “This didn’t mean shit to you? Every time you screamed on my cock wasn’t real?”

I still don’t look at him. Instead, I simply close my eyes.
