Page 78 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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“Why would we get married at theD’yavolohouse?”

“Because it’s neutral grounds, Camilla.” My eyes widen with understanding. “And as long as we marry there, no one, not even God, can retaliate or annul this marriage. You’ll be mine, and I’ll be damned if someone tries to get in the way of that.”

I nod, “Okay, so say we get married and I move in. Then what? We live happily ever after?”

“We graduate and go to Chicago, Camilla.”

“And then what, you’ll be in the Bratva?”

“I amalreadyin the Bratva.” He pulls my hand and drags me across the space between us, turning my body until I’m straddling him in the chair. “I’ll be Pakhan.”

A boss.

I nod again, and it seems to be the only thing I can achieve right now. “What about…Leo?”

“What about him?” Nik asks me through gritted teeth.

“What if he hurts you?” He laughs at this. “Fine, what if he hurts me?”

“I’ll kill him,solnyshko.”

My insides melt when he calls me that. Now that I know what it means, it’s an entirely different feeling than before. “Okay. What about our friends?”

“We’ll tell them after, Camilla.” He smiles and holds my face with both hands, keeping me still. I look into his gorgeous silver eyes. “All I want is for us to get married and get out of here for a few days. We need time to plan our next move. That sound good?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Great, because we’re getting married in two days. Find a dress and whatever else you need. I’ll pay for it.”

I’m stunned into silence as he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down toward him. My lips meet his for a soft kiss, tender, gentle. It’s odd and against everything that he is, yet he’s doing it for me.

I’m getting married.

17 Years Old

So I’m grounded.

My parents know I wasn’t with Annie when I said I was, but I refuse to tell them my whereabouts because I was spending time with Nik. They think I was at a party, and that’s way better than if they found out I was with someone from the Bratva. They still suspect I’m not being honest about where I was, but they won’t argue with me about becoming a rebel for one night. It seems fitting for a seventeen-year-old girl. I’ve always done the right thing—except for my secret friendship with Nikolai—so they have no reason not to believe the lie I fed them.

I suspect Nikolai will either be pissed off I’m not meeting him or know something is wrong. So, hopefully, he doesn’t wait very long for me. Either way, I’m tired from being in the studio for six hours today, so I need to go to bed. If he wants me, he can come in through the balcony doors. Which is why I lock my bedroom door every night now. Just in case he ever shows up unannounced.

My eyes are heavy as I lie down in the darkness, the only light being from the TV asScreamplays in the background. It’s one of my favorite movies, yet I can’t bring myself to watch it right now as my body melts into the mattress. Just as I’m about to fall asleep though, my balcony doors open quietly.

I don’t know how Nikolai makes it past all the security without being noticed. For the longest time, I thought we were safe, that no one could break through the impenetrable fortress that was this mansion. Boy, was I ever wrong. If Nikolai can do it this easily, who’s to say other enemies can’t too.

“Baby?” I call out in a low voice.

I hear footsteps approaching the bed, but I refuse to turn around. I’m on high alert, my body tense, ready to strike. There is no reply. What if it’s not him? What if someone else broke in, and I’ve left my door unlocked like an idiot?

When the footsteps stop at the edge of my bed, a body bumping into the mattress, my hands begin to shake. I look back to see Nik removing all his clothes until he only stands in his underwear. The boxer briefs hug all of him. Thick thighs and snug waist, but especially his huge?—

“Princess.” My eyes snap up to his to find a knowing smirk on his face, as if he knows precisely how my thoughts work. And maybe he does since he’s my best friend. I think out of all the people in the world, he’s the one who knows me the best. Even better than Annie. She’s the only one who knows about him and me. She figured it out after the cafeteria incident.

“What are you doing?” I ask him, hugging the covers tighter to my body. All I’m wearing is a T-shirt and underwear, and I don’t think we will be able to control ourselves if we’re half-naked. I’m guarding my virginity, saving it for the right time. And now is not it.

“Spending the night.” He smiles. “Unless you don’t want me to?”

I look at his capped shoulders, sculpted chest, strong arms, his abs… He looks like a man now at eighteen years old. His body is rock-hard from all the hours spent at the gym. It’s not freaking fair. “I do.” I smile back. “You’re just… hot today.”
