Page 80 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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Either way, my walk-in closet is spacious, and I don’t have half as much as her, and with eight clothing racks, you’d think she would have enough room. It turns out that even though the walk-in closet is about as big as the entire bedroom, she still hasn’t moved half her clothes from her dad’s house, and it’s already full in here.

Nevertheless, here we are, organizing a closet that screams girly now. The woman has more purses, shoes, and clothes than I’ve ever seen in my life. But I can’t think this is a mistake. I want her and so I took her, that’s all that matters to me. I don’t care how many things she brings with her, or how she invades this space. Her father is going to be pissed, and that’s exactly what I want.

He took from me. My time, my dignity. Now it’s time to take from him too.

Camilla and I both agreed that the decor will stay the same as she loves it, and thankfully, although the living area is smaller, the bedroom, closet and bathroom are bigger than the rest of the place.


I’m not bringing anything else. I don’t think the apartment can withstand it.


What else do you have left?


Paint stuff.


Bring it, I want to see you paint.


It’s a lot.


You know what? I’ll get you a storage room. There’s one close to the apartment. We can move everything else out. Just make sure your roommates are gone. Maybe I’ll pay for their nails or some shit?


Good idea. Should I go with them or not?


With. Definitely with. I’ll take care of it.

An hour later, I’m standing in Camilla’s room with Dmitri and Ilya, packing as many things as possible into boxes.Moreclothes, shoes, jewelry. I label all of it and we put it in the trailer I managed to snag last minute. We’re in the back of the property to not cause a scene or raise suspicion, and within two hours, we finally have just about everything cleared out.

“Bro,” Dmitri starts talking, “you must be out of your fucking mind.”

Ilya laughs. “Head over heels in love.”

“Pussy-whipped,” Dmitri replies.

I smirk because, yes, I am. “All of the above.” I turn around and look at them. “I’m going to marry her.”

“What?” Dmitri and Ilya both exclaim simultaneously.


“You really are crazy,” Dmitri mutters. “Haven’t you learned your lesson? She’s going to leave you again when her family finds out.”

I don’t reply to that because it’s not true. Camilla fucking loves me, just as I do her. It’s just taking longer for her to admit it.

“Wow,” is all Ilya says.
