Page 21 of Rival Hearts

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“I said the Xander thing because I just wanted to make it clear that I’ve been over you for a long time. I didn’t want this to be weird with you thinking I’m still harboring a crush on you or something. I have to be able to do my job.”

“Whatever happened or happens between us personally doesn’t change anything about our working dynamic. I won’t compromise your job.”

“Good. Then can we get back to the list?”


I roll my shoulders and bring my tablet back up, trying to refocus even though it’s difficult. We’ve stepped into the minefield, and I can’t imagine this is going to be the only time. But I have to keep us on track. His job depends on it and so does mine. At least until Bea and I can figure out our Plan B, we’re stuck with each other, and keeping things professional is the only way out.

“Okay. So the main goals are that you make some friends on this team, you show the locals you’re happy to be here and that you’re falling in love with this city, and that you have a softer side people just haven’t seen yet. If we can make it look like this city is bringing that softer side of you out, all the better.”

“Right.” He nods agreeably, the tension in the room thankfully lowering.

“So the next thing would be to give me access to your social media.” I look up to watch his reaction.

I’m used to guys squirming when I get to this part. They don’t want me seeing all the DMs they get. All the women’s DMs they’ve slid into when they’ve gotten a little too drunk and decided their celebrity is enough to back up a 2 a.m. “U up?” text. They all want to pretend they’re not that guy.

So I’m surprised when he doesn’t bat an eyelash. He slides his phone to me instead, turning it to face me as it lights up.

“Passcode is 1003,” he says. “I don’t know if I remember all my passwords to my accounts. I’ve got them down somewhere though. I can get them to you by tomorrow.”

“How would you feel about being logged out of your accounts on your phone and us getting one that I have control over?”

He raises a brow at that.

“It would take managing your socials off your plate. I could be in charge of all the content and answer any questions and DMs for you.”

“Make sure I don’t get too many from women, is what you mean.”

“Not exclusively, but that too.” I enter the passcode, and his phone unlocks. The background is a generic screensaver just like the lock screen was. “Probably want to update this to something more Chaos-y. Make yourself seem nice and festive.” I grin at him. Although it makes me a little sad that he doesn’t have something more personal there.

“Yeah. I’ve been meaning to do that.” He shrugs, his eyes sliding to the side almost like he’s hiding something, but I don’t know what it would be.

“On the DMs… and controlling the socials. I’ve just seen one too many careers derailed or wrecked completely by a late-night thoughtless tweet or a one-drink-too-many DM to a model you think is hot. I’d rather stay ahead of that.”

“I don’t typically have a problem with either of those things, but point taken.”

“Am I going to find anything in your DMs I don’t want to see?” I flip open his inbox and see what looks like a bunch of inane conversations about football and one or two group texts that look like they involve his cousins.

“Like what?”

“Dick pics. Inappropriate conversations.”

“Fuck no. I’m not fucking stupid.” He freezes up when herealizes what he’s said. His ex-best friend and my older brother has just come off a sex-tape scandal from a woman who leaked it from her phone. “I didn’t mean… I shouldn’t say that it’s stupid. I just… it’s not my particular kink. To have pictures and recordings and things. No shade for anyone who’s into that sort of thing. I just… couldn’t handle someone seeing my girl like that.”

“What Tobias did was careless. He should have been more cautious with his pastimes and who he enjoyed them with. She could have been a little less cruel. Room for improvement all around. Any kinks I should be worried about?”

Quentin’s eyes flash up to mine and then away. He looks flustered for a moment.

“No. Or at least I don’t think so.” He gathers himself again, and I see the smirk form when he does. “Do you want a list? You seem to like them a lot. That your kink?”

“Cute.” I shake my head.

“You asked.”

“In a professional capacity. If you go to sex clubs or have exhibitionist tendencies, it’s helpful to know those things up front, so I can plan for them.” I see his eyes glitter with amusement. “Not like that. In a ‘we have a statement prepared in the event that becomes public knowledge’ way.”

The amusement in his eyes dies a little, and he shifts in his seat.
