Page 30 of One More Time

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“Alright, you two,” I say, helping Julia and Jordan get everything situated. They spend an inordinate amount of time picking out which cookie cutters they want to use and then fight over the rolling pin.

And the entire time, I try like hell not to look at Alec. But while I’m rolling the dough and helping Julia and Jordan cut it out, I can’t help but peek over at him. It’s like my eyes are drawnto him, like they can’t help themselves. Like they need to see him once more.

And there it is. The wave of familiarity once more.

Why is he so goddamn familiar?

I can’t quite place it and the thought dissipates as soon as Charlie manages to grab a ball of dough and tries to lick it.

I swear, if he gets salmonella from this shit, my sister will never forgive me.

As I wrench it from his tiny grasping hand and wipe his fingers off, I peek once more at Alec. Does he even care that I’m here? Do I care that he cares?

No. I don’t. I don’t fucking care.

And it doesn’t matter anyways. Because he’s not looking at me, his attention is focused oneveryoneelse. And more specifically on Killian, who seems to be quite knowledgeable about baking. That’s probably why Alec brought him along. Because he would be helpful and look good while doing it. Unlike me, who now has cookie dough on his shirt.

I scrub at it and nearly jump when Alec whispers softly, “That’s far too thin.”

I gulp nervously and then glance down at the thin layer of dough on the counter.

“It’s hard to focus with the kids,” I reply, and yes, I’m using them as an excuse.

“Blaming them?” he tsks with a small smile.

Then he reaches out and rolls the dough into a ball once more and gestures for me to roll it out again. And the entire time, he stands far too close, whispering words of praise and making my limbs nearly tremble.

I fucking need him to stop.

I need him to move away.

And he does, minutes later, when he’s satisfied I’m not gonna make thin cookies which will inevitably burn in the oven, andmoves on to the next person. I let out a breath and peer up at Killian, who is scowling at me.

I don’t know why he’s so angry with me. Alec was just being helpful, and I’m not interested in him at all.

Not at all.

I sucked his dick and he licked my ass.

It’s nothing more than a new hobby for me.

“Alright, let’s get these in the oven and while they bake, I can help you decorate these,” Helen says with a clap of her hands.

She reaches into the fridge and pulls out a large Tupperware box before handing it to Alec, who begins moving around the table and depositing little sugar cookies in front of us. While he does this, Killian helps everyone get the frosting placed in the correct bags and gives us a quick tutorial on how to make our cookies look professional.

God, I hate how good at this he is.

I glance over at Ollie as he talks animatedly with Julia and Jordan and then swivel my gaze to Alec, who is standing right beside me once more.

“Which ones would you like?” he asks, his voice lower than I expected.

“Um,” I lick my lips and feel my cock twitch in my pants at how close he is again. God, just the smell of him is making me remember my new hobby. Rimming. My very bad new hobby that makes me very horny. “Whatever you think would be easiest.”

“Get a flower, Uncle Jude,” Julia says as she squirts yellow frosting all over a cookie.

“And a robot!” Jordan chimes in. So I do as they ask, pulling one of each from the box, my fingers brushing against Alec’s mostly on accident. He freezes, his throat bobbing as I place the cookies onto the table before me.

