Page 100 of His Hunted Witch

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“Yes, I can,” Goldie said with a confidence she didn’t feel.

“But then he left?” Becca asked doubtfully, and Goldie collapsed back on the bed.

“I’m beginning to think I’m named after fool’s gold.”

“Goldie Abbott, you are many things, but you have never been a fool.”

Goldie smiled at her sister. “Not even when I tried to dye my hair gold using finger paints in kindergarten?”

Becca flicked a glance at her hair. “You knew what you wanted even then.”

“Or when I turned in a paper onThe Scarlet Letterafter watchingEasy A?”

“Arguably, that was a clever use of time?”

“Or when I slept with the dude who was planning on proposing to our cousin?”

“He’d never even met her before. Who goes on a first date with a ring?”

“Or when I slept with the hiker so he wouldn’t give the restaurant a one-star review on Yelp? And then he did anyway?”

Becca burst out laughing.

“Or when I bought an ‘antique’ cutting board from Old Man Harry that he was staining himself and selling on Etsy for $9.99?”

“You were sometimes slightly mistaken about the next course of action.”

Or when I fell in love with a wolf that comes with truly insane, violent, poisonous in-laws.

She couldn’t believe that was a foolish choice. That was the best thing she’d ever done in her life.

And he’d walked away.

She yawned obviously. “I’m a little beat.”

Becca gave her another hug. “I didn’t expect to talk, honestly. I thought I’d obsessively sit outside your house for five minutes and then go home. Dan’s probably going out of his mind.”

“I can’t believe he didn’t haul out here with you.”

She grimaced. “He didn’t think you wanted to see a wolf.”

“I don’t suddenly hate wolves because there are a few of them who?—”

“Violently kidnapped you, knocked you on the head, hauled you away, locked you up, and didn’t give you back?”

“Look, I can either make that the biggest story of my life and go on forever hating every wolf because of what one guy did, or I can move on and?—”

Seize her own happiness.

With a man who didn’t want her.

She flopped back on the bed.

Becca squeezed her knee and let herself out.

Goldie spent a sleepless night telling herself to forget him, telling herself he wasn’t some kind of crazy fated mate, and telling herself she couldn’t start a war.

But when another vehicle pulled up outside, her heart still soared, and she still ran down the stairs, convinced he’d come to his senses and never turn her away.
