Page 36 of Torn

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He stopped in front of me, his large hands cradling my face as I looked up at him. His brow furrowed, and he wiped underneath my eyes with both of his thumbs.

“Stel, I swear, I’ll kick both their asses if you’re upset about what they did to your baby.”

It took me a second to respond because his chest was a hairsbreadth away from my nose, and his thumbs were practically massaging my face. Who knew that could send electric sparks down my body? It was my face, for Christ’s sake. My face.

“What? No, it’s beautiful.”

His cinnamon eyes roamed over my face, searching. For what, I wasn’t sure.

“A few tears don’t make you any less of a badass, Stel. You’re still the strongest person I’ve ever known.”

Well, fuck. He’d now seen my tears, wiped them away with a tender touch, and called me a badass in the space of a few minutes. Between all that, and the way he was devouring me with his eyes, I wasn’t sure anymore which end was up.And that was before he slid his hands into my hair, wrapping it around his fist, and tugged on the strands.

He was going to ruin me at the rate we were going, yet I was helpless to stop him. Like it or not, I was a junkie for Switch. Just a hit, a taste, and I was a goner.

“But now that I have your attention, we’re alone, and you’re actually speaking to me, there are a few things I’d like to clear up. The other day, when you woke up, I wasn’t gentle with you because I thought you were broken. I was gentle with you because I missed you so much it physically hurt, and I wanted to be. For me, not you. Understand?”

I nodded my head in his hold, grateful that he’d carefully avoided mentioning my nightmare. Even in front of Switch, or maybe especially in front of him, I never wanted to be seen as weak. Because who wanted a partner that couldn’t carry half the load, and in our world, the burden of that weight crushed the weak.

“Sometimes you make me crazy, and I can’t decide whether to turn you over my knee and tan your ass or fuck you senseless. You’re the only woman I’ve ever known who can look sexy as fuck in a pair of coveralls painting a car, then show up in the clubhouse in a tiny dress and boots. That day you had me so damn frustrated because I’d already jacked off twice in the garage’s bathroom and I still wanted to fuck you up against the bar.”

Holy shit. He certainly had a funny way of showing it. He was a total asshole that night. I ended up hiding out in Colt’s room, mainly because I was tipsy, and it was the only one that was unoccupied. When he found me there later, curled up on his bed, playingCandy Crush, I expected him to kick me out. Instead, he kept me company until I sobered up enough to go home. Of course, that was when Switch found me.

“The thing that always kept me from having what I wanted was your father. He took me in, kept me from going to jail, and it just didn’t seem right to repay his kindness by tarnishing his only daughter. But I’m a jealous asshole, and I had it in my head that if I couldn’t have you, then nobody else would either.”

His brow furrowed, and his lips turned down in the corners. I sucked in a breath, preparing myself for what he may say next.

“Over time, though, you began to pull away. We laughed less and fought more. It was either tell you how I felt, and pray Mad Dog would forgive me, or lose you forever. Only, you took one look at my grand gesture, my boombox in the pouring rain underneath your window moment and told me to fuck off. Not gonna lie, that shit hurt, but continuing to see you every day, knowing that you sent me away, fucked with my head. Bad. So, I packed a bag and transferred charters.”

His hands fisted my hair tighter and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips. “When Ryder told me you’d been taken, I dropped to my knees, too weak to stand. It was then I knew no matter what I did that I’d never be able to quit you. You’re in my blood, underneath my skin, a part of my very soul. Wherever you go, I go, even if that’s to the grave.”

He suddenly released me, my body swaying as he took a step back. “You don’t have to believe me. Friendzone me to the end of time. Just don’t expect me to leave or allow another man to touch you because that ain’t happening.”

Friendzone him? Was he freaking kidding me with that shit right now? We were way past that. Switch had dickmatized me a long time ago, and he’d been either making my heartbeat faster or tearing it apart ever since.

Brandy had been right. There was nothing left of me for him to hurt, and I had yet to do anything beyond sneak a peek at his dick. Which was a damn shame.

Fuck if it was still too soon or not. Fuck what I should or shouldn’t be feeling. Boris wasn’t stealing this moment from me. He’d lived inside my head for long enough, and it was time for me to evict his ass. I was going to do whatever the hell I wanted from now on, starting with jumping Switch.

He caught me in his arms, his large hands cradling and then squeezing my ass, even as he stepped back from the force. I grabbed his face in both hands and leaned in. Our lips met, little tingles starting at my scalp and working their way down my body. The kiss was frenzied, tongues twisting, and teeth gnashing.

My hands roamed over the bulging muscles of his arms as they flexed and twisted from holding me up. Vaguely, it registered that we were moving, but the breath exploded from my lungs when my back hit metal. He shifted so he could support me in one hand while the other tore at the bottom of my T-shirt.

Holding on to his shoulders, I leaned forward, and he broke the kiss long enough to rip my shirt free and throw it off to the side. The metal at my back was cold, and dug into my back, but I didn’t give a fuck because Switch’s lips were on mine and his deft fingers were releasing the fasteners on my bra.

He threw that off to the side as well, breaking the kiss again to stare down at me.

“Fucking beautiful,” he murmured before bending his head to take one of my nipples into his mouth.

He sucked loudly, almost lewdly, and it was as if there was a connection between my nipple and my pussy because I felt the moist material of my panties clinging to my skin. My hipsgyrated, the bulge behind his zipper giving me the friction I desperately needed.

Fire. It felt like my skin was on fire everywhere, the heat licking its way down my spine.

It wasn’t enough; I needed to be closer, flesh to flesh. The leather of his cut was soft against my fingertips as I pushed it down his arms, a frustrated sound welling from deep within his chest as he had to shift to accommodate my request.

He let my nipple go with a wet pop, his eyes following the motion of my tits before his head disappeared long enough to shed his T-shirt. It, too, went flying somewhere.

My eyes ate up the visible parts of his chest and stomach. Black ink covered every slab of muscle. My hands followed the path my eyes had taken, my short nails clawing over the angel wings on the swell of his pecs before dipping down to explore the coiled serpent over the ridges of his stomach.

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