Page 47 of Torn

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Fuck me, couldn’t a man enjoy his well-deserved orgasm around here? Stel shoved at me again. Guess not.

I rolled off her and lay on my back watching her scramble to find her clothes, her hair a mess, her body bearing the evidence of my marks.

“Are you just going to lie in bed watching while I get dressed,” she huffed as she tugged on a pair of jeans—sans panties.

“Damn, you’re beautiful.”

It was true. Even annoyed, first thing in the morning, looking thoroughly fucked thanks to yours truly, she was stunning. So much so that sometimes it took my breath away.

“Yeah, well,” she muttered, looking a bit flushed. “You still have to get your ass in gear.”

She’d kill me for even thinking it, but she was fucking adorable right now. But she had a point. With a sigh, I dragged myself out of bed and started hunting for my jeans. Since I’d given away my T-shirt, I’d have to settle for throwing on my cut until we learned what the fuck had Hunter’s boxers in a bunch.

Stel went straight over to Hunter’s fancy coffee maker, trying to fix her hair as she went. Brandy sat at the long wooden table in the kitchen, her face pale. Shit.

Her eyes met mine, the gold flecks in them reminding me of Stel, only her irises were greener. Funny how I’d never noticed they both had hazel eyes before now.

“Colt called me and asked if I could hack into the security feed at Antonio’s club and listen in on a conversation. He said a man had stormed into Antonio’s club about a half hour ago, and Antonio told him to shut his mouth, then quickly ushered him into his office and shut the door. Colt didn’t dare try to listen at the door because the club won’t open for another couple of hours, and he’d have no way of explaining what he was doing there if he got caught.”

Stel sat down beside her, her arms around a mug blowing on the steam.

Brandy turned to her friend. “I’m going to warn you before I start playing the recording that it’s going to be difficult for you to hear.”

“Thanks for the heads up.” Stel nodded at Brandy’s laptop sitting on the table. “But go ahead, I can handle it.”

Brandy hit a button, and I started at the slam of a door.

“You know better than to come here before the club opens,” a man hissed.

“Would you like me to come back later for your share of the one point two million we owe?”

I recognized the voice of the second man. It was the creep from the parking garage that we followed out to where Ryder was spying on Los Sepultureros. The same one that Stel said was at the club meeting with Antonio the night she was taken.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, when you have customers who have already paid for girls, and those girls are now gone, they’re going to want their money back. Have time to see me now, Antonio?”

“Gone, what do you mean the girls are gone? They’re sitting naked in cells, for fuck’s sake.”

“Someone set fire to three of our safe houses last night, and my men tell me there were only about a dozen charred remains. That means whoever did this took the women.”

“Fuck,” Antonio screamed.

“And I’m willing to bet it was your little pet, no doubt with the help of her father’s club. I told you when she escaped that she was going to be a problem.”

“A problem I tasked you with taking care of.”

Antonio was a dead man. He just didn’t know it yet.

“Don’t put this on me. The agent was a problem for both of us, and he’s been taken care of, but the girl was all you.”

“You act like you don’t have your own troubles with women. At least I didn’t accidentally try to sell the sister of a CIA agent. How is the search going, by the way?”

Speaking of Delilah, where the fuck was she? My head turned in a swivel, looking for her when Hunter caught my eye. He mouthed ‘bedroom’ and pointed down the hall. Fuck. She must have heard the recording first and needed a minute.

“That’s rich coming from the man who made that same agent his first lieutenant.”

“Fine, we both fucked up. Happy now?” A chair creaked in the background. “We thought we had all our problems taken care of only to wind up with two missing girls who can fuck us and a damn motorcycle club breathing down our necks. Now, can we maybe discuss how we’re going to fucking fix this before we either get killed or go broke?”
