Page 5 of Torn

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His question was more for Tweak’s benefit than mine. We both knew I didn’t have a choice in the matter. As they say, the show must go on.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”



The gentle thud of the bass vibrated through the speakers surrounding our booth, its familiarity soothing. We were tucked away in the roped off area of the second floor VIP section. The music here was low enough that you didn’t have to lean in to be heard, yet loud enough that the servers couldn’t easily eavesdrop.

Pretty young things sashed by now and then, flirting as they refilled drink orders. Well-dressed men who thought waytoo much of themselves puffed on cigars as they bragged to one another about their toys.

My jailer kept a close eye on me from the opposite corner, his arms crossed in front of him, his usual frown permanently etched into his face.

And me? When I looked down, I didn’t even recognize myself. Thin gold chains held up either side of my severely plunging neckline. You couldn’t wear a bra with this dress because the cut out in the back ended at the top of my ass. The slit revealed way more of my thigh than any man I wasn’t fucking had any right to see, and my feet were pinched into gold strappy sandals that matched my dress. In short, I was in hell.

Antonio had insisted that his bait be wrapped in a tempting package. Easy for him to say, he wasn’t the one with tape on his chest holding his tits in place. Nothing about this plan of his made me feel comfortable, but he was right about one thing. We were out of options.

He still hadn’t found the source of the leak in his security, and nobody had tried for me since the shooting. His enemies had gone radio silent, not that either of us was fooled into thinking they’d forgotten about me. They were merely waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Tonight, we would give it to them.

Antonio had hired additional security from an outside agency for the night and planted them all throughout the club. Not even Jules knew who they were or where they’d be. Antonio said Jules was here for appearance’s sake, but he hadn’t fooled me for a second. Jules was his backup plan, and while I had fought him on most things, this would not have been one of them. The man might be perpetually on my shit list, but it made me feel better to have him here, watching my back.

Antonio might have been a dangerous man, one easily capable of killing, but I wasn’t stupid enough to trust him. I knew what our relationship was, and what it wasn’t. He’d kept Jules with me for his own peace of mind more than my safety. I’d seen and heard enough to know he wasn’t as he appeared, and he didn’t know yet if he could trust me to keep my mouth shut.

No, if shit hit the fan tonight, and I suspected it would, I needed someone who was willing and capable of keeping me alive. It galled me to rely on Jules when I could protect myself, but there was no help for it. The scrap of fabric I wore wouldn’t conceal a thigh holster, and a knife wasn’t much use in a gunfight.

The man to my right casually placed his hand on my thigh and leaned in closer. His breath caressed my ear, and a shiver worked its way down my body. This fucker had about a second before I twisted his wrist to a very unpleasant angle. I might even laugh while I listened to the bone snap.

Antonio must have caught on to what I was thinking, because his dark eyes narrowed before he subtly shook his head. He didn’t have to remind me. I was bait. Window dressing. If I broke a man’s arm, then I would draw unwanted attention to myself, defeating the entire purpose of tonight. All that planning, effort, and time wasted. I had to act natural when this entire situation was anything but.

“I never understood what Antonio saw in you until tonight. Seeing you in that dress makes me wish I had overlooked your dreadful attire and snapped you up first.”

This was his best pickup line. Really? He was a douchey prick that was a little too picky given his paunch and wrinkles. With lines like that, he must have to pay through the nose to get women into bed. A minor consolation given his hand was trying to inch up my thigh.

“I guess I got lucky.”

If my frosty tone fazed him, he didn’t let on, choosing to remain all up in my personal space. What I wouldn’t give to tell this tiny-dicked, obnoxious little weasel that he could go fuck himself because nobody else wanted to. After I punched him in the nuts.

“For now,” he said with a leer before removing the hand that rested on my thigh.

A shiver of revulsion slid down my spine at his implied threat. Fuck him and fuck Antonio. They could measure their dicks while I sidled up to the bar. I’d still be out in the open for all to see, but I wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to powder my nose and refresh my drink.”

The lecherous douche slid his eyes down my body once more before getting up so I could slide out of the booth. Hope he enjoyed the view from the back because that was all he would get to see of me for the rest of the night. My stupid heels gave him quite a view as I stood, and it wasn’t like I could walk normally. Soak it all in, asshole.

“Fucking heels,” I muttered under my breath as I strolled away from the table.

Wouldn’t it be something if I went ass over teacup and ended up giving him a free show? Heels and I didn’t get along. The things were unnatural torture devices thought up by men. Them and pantyhose. Maybe we ought to invent something uncomfortable for them to wear in public.

As I teetered down the long hallway that led to the bathrooms in my high heels, all manner of devious things crossed my mind. My favorite was crocheted short shorts that constantly made their junk itch.

With a snort, I pushed open the bathroom door and headed over to the row of sinks. Even here it was dimly lit, shadows playing off the dark paneling.

The porcelain sinks were like the lights on a lighthouse, breaking up the gloom, pulling you in. I leaned against one, letting out a strained breath as I stared into the mirror.

How the hell had I let this happen? No distraction was worth getting killed over. Or was it?

My dreams never let me rest. He was always there, haunting in his beauty. How I still craved the sight of him. Pathetic really, to be pining after a man who didn’t want you. He just didn’t want anyone else to have me, either. He’d even hid it well, using my father as an excuse.
