Page 9 of Torn

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The stands were packed with students, all of them cheering for Derek, our star quarterback. He was agile as he faked right, then left, before he reached back to throw the ball. Another player hit his arm right as he launched it, the spiral more wobbly than tight. Everyone turned their heads downfield, but my gaze never left Derek. His body remained suspended in the air before it plummeted back down to Earth. His back touched the turf a second before his helmet, several players falling on top of him.

I held my breath, the screams of the kids jumping on the bleachers letting me know the ball had made it into theend zone. The roar was deafening. Thanks to Derek Hughes’s arm we’d just won state. He’d done what he’d set out to do, impress the scouts that were sitting somewhere in the stands.

Whistles blew, and players started helping other players to their feet. At the bottom of the pile was Derek, lying there, not moving. Oh, god. Was he hurt? My lungs froze as pandemonium continued going on all around me. Did these fuckers not care? What the hell was the matter with them?

Suddenly, Derek sat up and lifted his helmet off his head. He stared into the stands until his dark blue eyes landed on me. Butterflies took flight in my stomach as he lifted his helmet up in victory and winked at me.

He didn’t know it yet, but he was going to be mine. At least for tonight. Fuck Switch and his long, beautiful, thickly veined cock. I wouldn’t fuck that asshole now if he begged me to. But I would rub it in his face that I’d fucked Derek. He might even get a text of my hand wrapped around Derek’s cock. Unless it was tiny, then I’d just brag.

It was the least he deserved for giving that bitch Mona a ride home on the back of his bike. Again. Smoke practically came out of my ears when I remembered having to listen to her brag to Betty Sue about him bending her over his bike in chemistry class. It made me want to take a Bunsen burner to her precious flowing locks until Betty Sue let it slip that Mona had a crush on Derek. Two birds, one stone, and all that happy horseshit.

Was revenge dick a little petty? Absolutely. Was I going to let that stop me? Hell no. If Switch had it his way, I’d die a virgin while he dipped his dick in any old hole he pleased. Well, two could play that game. Not that I planned to go all slutzilla or anything, but there was no harm in seeing what all the fuss was about.

Speaking of that, everyone was exiting the bleachers and if I didn’t hightail it down to the locker rooms, I’d miss Derek when he came out. Damn it. There was a sea of bodies pressed together and a lot of steps to the bottom. This wouldn’t do at all. I stared over the side of the railing and gauged if I could make the drop. Nope, better go halfway down first.

There were a few advantages to being skinny and having a resting bitch face. Sure, I got the oddball look, or the occasional outraged huff, but everyone let me squeeze by them. When I reached the halfway point, I jumped over the railing with a grin, listening to a lady scream as I fell.

My boots touched the pavement, and I stood, my hands cupping my mouth to holler back up at her. “Sorry!”

She looked down at me like I was a lunatic instead of just a line cutter, but I didn’t give a fuck. I had bigger fish to fry and a virginity to lose. Which was why I jogged my happy ass in the opposite direction of the crowd. It was easier to go all the way around the stadium than it was to fight my way through.

Bushes lined the outside of the stadium, and I stuck close to them, keeping away from the vast pools of light cast by the spotlights above. There was a seldomly used pathway on this side that led directly to the underground locker rooms. My boots echoed off the sloping pavement as I made my way into the bowels of the stadium.

The scrape of another set of boots let me know I wasn’t alone. A second later, I was being lifted off my feet and slammed against the cement wall. The scent of leather, citrus, and tobacco gave away who had me long before I saw the outline of his face.

My traitorous body rejoiced in the contact, and I wished I could say his manhandling didn’t make my panties wet.But whenever he was around, I had a nasty habit of thinking with my pussy and not my brain.

“Why the fuck are you back here. Alone. In the dark.” His words were like venom, but I loved the sting. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”

He was too close. With every breath I took, his arm brushed against my nipple. Who the hell had I been kidding? I’d still fuck the shit out of him. All he had to do was ask. We both knew he wasn’t going to, but that didn’t keep me from wanting him to. And there it was, my weakness. Switch was the bane of my existence and in this moment that pissed me off like nothing else could.

“Let me go.” I shoved against his chest with all my might, but he didn’t step back. Not an inch. “I have a hot date waiting for me in the tunnel.”

He flinched as if I’d slapped him. But that couldn’t be right. He saw me as one of the guys. A friend like Ryder. A buddy. Pfft. The only time that word should be used was when fuck came before it.

“Derek,” he snarled like his very name offended him.

“Yeah. What’s it to you?”

He edged even closer, his jean clad leg slipping between mine. Holy fuck, but did I want to ride his leg like a shameless and desperate whore. For him, I guess I was. The dark concealed his profile, and I wished I could see his eyes. Cinnamon-colored eyes that heated my skin like a brand.

“Mad Dog wouldn’t like you going out with him.”

There it was. His convenient excuse. My father. He was a broken record that I’d grown tired of listening to.

“Mad Dog or you,” I shot back at him, struggling in his hold.

All it got me was aching nipples and a slick thong.

“Ahh,” I screamed into the night, determined to fight him.

Fuck him and my pussy too! They were both assholes for doing this to me.

“It doesn’t matter. Derek will be recovering from an unfortunate accident for the foreseeable future. He really should have been more careful.”

He bared his teeth as he spit the words, and I knew he’d done something awful. Remorse, shame, hell, even pity for the man who should have been my first would have been normal. I felt none of those things. The wetness pooling between my thighs was all I could focus on. All I could think about.

His mouth descended on mine as his hand tangled in the long strands of my hair. It was wild and desperate. Teeth clashed and tongues stroked. My body felt like it was burning from the inside out and I couldn’t get enough. This. This was what poets wrote sonnets about, what crooners sang songs about.
