Page 117 of The Flirty Vet

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My life is here, and Col's is fifteen thousand kilometres away in one of the busiest, most glamorous cities in the world. The most exciting thing to happen around here is monthly karaoke or Mrs. Mangle switching things up and adding more pepper to her meat pies. And that doesn't even take place here but a three-hour drive away.

Out here, it's just…us.

Who in their right mind, who wasn't born into it, would choose this kind of life for themselves?

No one, dumbo. Not Simon. Not Col. No one would ever want to spend their lives out here. With you. Ya got it? Good. Now get back to staring at him like a lovesick teenager.

"You know, beautiful people have this secret hidden talent very few people know about." Col looks up from the calculator, his eyes gleaming. "We can sense when someone's looking at us."

"I'm well aware," Gran says before I can reply, plonking a fresh pitcher of iced tea on the table. She's grinning. "It's both a blessing and a curse."

The three of us laugh, and some of the pressure in my chest eases a little.

"All right. I'm done for the day." She hangs her tea towel on the oven handle. "There's another jug of iced tea in the fridge. Along with a casserole for dinner. I've also marinated a few backup steaks should someone still be hungry afterwards. Give us a ring if you need anything."

"Thanks, Gran. You're the best."

"I second that," Col supplies. "And not just because you make me extra food, although I do very much appreciate it."

Gran beams. "It's my pleasure."

We walk with her to the front door, and she looks between us, smiling a little more than usual. Like she has been all morning. Actually, like she has been since we pulled up two days ago. Not exactly discreet. I only hope Col hasn't picked up on it.

"I'll leave you boys to it." If her tone wasn't suggestive enough, the little wink she throws my way spells it out completely.

"Gran, we're working."

"Sure, sure. Just remember to lock your bedroom door should yourworktake you there."

I'm blushing. I'm twenty-five years old and actually blushing. Meanwhile Col is cackling beside me. "Finding this funny, are you?"

"You have no idea. Thanks for everything, Polly." He gives her a peck on the cheek and whispers into her ear. "I'll keep him out of trouble."

"You won't," she whips back. "But have fun trying."

I start laughing even though I should be mad they're already teaming up against me. But, nope, that damn swoopy feeling is doing all sorts of things to my insides.

"She really likes you," I say once we're back at the table.

"I know." Col brings his chair in and flashes me a dazzling smile. "Everyone around here does. I listened to Bridge read out her assignment last night after dinner. Kolby's killing it in math. I even think Emma is warming to me. When she death-stared me over breakfast this morning, it was less than yesterday. I classify that as progress."

I laugh. "You're really something else, Col Langdon."

"I'd say we're two of a kind."

His eyes meet mine, and my breath quivers out of me. How does he do that? The guy is literally taking my breath away. I thought that sappy shit only existed in romance novels, but, nope, it seems this cranky New Yorker is my romance novel come to life.

"Now, let's go over these figures one more time."

I groan. "Do we have to?"

"We do." He leans over the table, twirling the pencil between his fingers. "And once we do, I believe we have some extra…workto do in your bedroom."

Nowthat'sone way to motivate me.

"All right." I rub my hands together excitedly. "Let's revise these fucking figures."

"Oh my god, how much sex are you having?" Fitz asks, coming in nice and close, his eyes scanning my face like I'm a science experiment.
