Page 102 of The Virgin I Desire

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“Mikhail!” I held his face with both hands and made him look at me. “I love you.”

His hands came to my waist, and he pressed me harder against the bathroom door. I gasped at the pressure and was breathless when his mouth took mine hungrily.

I responded to the kiss with the same intensity to let him know that there was no one I wanted more than him. Every cell in my heart belonged to him from the moment we first met.

Mikhail's hands pulled the skirt of my dress up, bunching it around my waist. His lips pressed against mine so hard that I felt like they would be sore. His need was insane, and I could feel it in each of his pulses.

I moved my thighs apart when I felt his hand go down to my sex and move my panties to the side. With the other, he opened his pants, took out his penis and without calm or tenderness, he inserted it into me, eliciting a moan that came with a slight burning sensation.

Mikhail started to move, pulling me towards him with the need and urgency to mark my body with his. He was angry and frustrated and I wanted him to feel like there was no one I wanted more than him or who I would give myself to in the same way.

I hugged his neck when he laid his forehead on mine, mixing our breaths, becoming more and more urgent. I gave in to the heat of the moment, feeling the pleasure of sex mixed with the agony of desperation.

I lifted my head, looking for his mouth and kissed him again, enjoying the taste of his lips as he made me slam against the door with each thrust. The slight pain was left aside when the moisture came giving me pleasure.

I rolled against him, asking for more, while Mikhail devoured me as if he were a hungry animal. In a wild quest to prove to me something that I already knew very well. We belonged to each other.

He bit my mouth when I felt him cumming but kept moving until I joined him.

When he walked away, I had to lean on the counter to avoid collapsing on the floor due to lack of strength in my legs.

“I'm leaving.” He took a piece of paper from the roll and wiped himself off before zipping up his pants.

“Mikhail.” I tried to touch his shoulder, but he avoided me, showing that he was still angry.

I felt his semen dripping between my legs, and I took some paper to clean myself. There were some wet wipes inside the closet, and I used them before returning with my panties to their place.

“I don't want to hurt your family, but if I have to do this to be with you, I will.”

“Mikhail, please...”

“Is he the one you want to be with?” He moved his hand as if indicating the room.

“Oh, no, I want you.”

“Then choose me.”

I didn't have time to answer him, as something was thrown under the door and white smoke began to billow inside the bathroom, quickly making it intoxicating. I fell towards Mikhail, and he hugged me before we both lost consciousness.

Chapter forty-five

Lucian touched his glass to mine, and I smiled at my American ally. I was sure that this marriage would not only intensify the bonds we already had but would also give my daughter an honorable and happy life.

Marriages were always alliances in our world, it had been like that with my father, with myself and my brothers, it couldn't be any different with them, but they were my little girls and unlike Dante, who had to be molded to deal with that world, I wanted them to be cared for and protected.

“They stopped dancing.” Lucian's wife moved her head, and I realized that Steven was alone.

“Where is Pietra?”

As I ran my eyes around the room after my daughter among the guests, my brother approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Marco, we have a problem” he spoke quietly in my ear so as not to alarm our guests.

“Excuse me,” I said to the family of my daughter's future husband, who nodded calmly.

I walked away from them and followed my brother to a hallway where we had a little more privacy.

“What happened, Mateo?”
