Page 105 of The Virgin I Desire

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“No, dear.”

“Why didn't you tell me this before?”

“You wouldn't react well. I was thinking of some alternative.”

“If you have done anything to my daughter.” He took a step towards me with his teeth clenched.

“I'm sure she would have been better protected if I had taken her to Russia with me.”

“You bastard!” The punch he gave me next didn't erase the smile from my face. He could hit me all he wanted, but the memories I had of Pietra in my arms would remain in my mind.

“Marco, stop!” his mother shouted at him.

“Kill that damned Russian,” instigated Theo. “Good thing, you’ll kill two birds with one stone.”

“Stop it!” The elderly woman continued to reproach her children. “Release the man, for God's sake.”

“We can't trust him, Mom.”

“I'm sure he wants the same thing as us, for Pietra to be safe.”

I nodded and was once again overcome by despair as I remembered that they had captured her.

“We shouldn't let him go. He is the head of the Russian mafia,” Theo Bellucci insisted.

“Give me those keys.” The woman stamped her foot, opening her hand, waiting for her children to place the object in her palm.

“I agree with Theo.”

“Pietra is in danger. Instead of trying to kill the man she chose, why don't you join him in finding her as quickly as possible?”

Marco snorted, but ended up following his mother's instructions, opening the chains. The weight of my body caused me to fall to my knees as my arms were freed.

“If something happens to my daughter because of you...”

“I don't need your punishment, Bellucci—” I interrupted him. “—I'll do it myself.”

“Go!” shouted the woman. “Find my granddaughter!”

Chapter forty-seven

“Wait, what is he doing here?” Mateo Bellucci asked when he saw me enter a basement room following his brothers.

“It seems that Pietra has been hiding some things from me.” Marco snorted as he gave his brother a stern and irritated expression. “Our mother dropped the bomb on us.”

“I just need to find Pietra,” I said in a firm tone. I didn't have the patience for their family dilemmas, I just wanted to find my wife.

“A friendly Russian?! Damn! I lived to see this happen.”

“Shut up, Mateo!” Theo elbowed his brother.

“Do you have any information about her?” I took a step forward as I looked at the many screens and monitors, looking for some information.

“We checked all the images from the house's cameras in the last few hours.” Mateo pointed to the monitors. “What I found most suspicious were these men coming out with a freezer and putting it in a van.” I saw the image in the video while he was speaking. “It's the only space they would have to hide someone and not arouse suspicion.”

“What company is this?” Theo pointed to the side of the van.

“It's the drinks distributor.”
