Page 109 of The Virgin I Desire

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“I'm going to inform the pilot to change the plane's route,” Mateo announced.

“Why?” I turned to him in a firm tone when questioning.

“Natasha and I triangulated Andrei’s cell phone signal. He's on the outskirts of Kiev, in an abandoned warehouse where he must have taken Pietra.”

“If something happened to my daughter.” Marco clenched his teeth, growling at me.

“She was kidnapped inside your house. Maybe if she had been with me this wouldn't have happened.”

“It was an enemy of yours that you attracted to her.”

“Stop, both of you!” Mateo imposed himself. “We don't need a territorial fight or determining who is most to blame for what happened. You want the same thing, so let's focus on that, rescuing Pietra.”

I turned around and stopped talking. Taking out my anger and frustration for not having protected her as I should have wouldn't do any good. Mateo was right, I just wanted my wife back and I needed to focus on that.

I felt overwhelmed by a tightness, a terrible feeling.

I had faced death several times, but that was the only time I was afraid of it. The hours of travel seemed endless, and I had the feeling that every minute I spent there could be crucial to saving Pietra.

“We're going to land in an hour,” Mateo announced upon returning from the pilot's cabin.

I looked for my cell phone that had been returned to me, dialed a number and waited for someone to answer.

“Boss?” He answered with an air of questioning.

“Sergei, it's me.”

“Sir, are you still in Italy?”

“No. On the way to Kiev. I don't have time to explain right now, but can I trust you?”

“You don't trust me, but deep down you know you can.”

“It's Pietra Bellucci.”

“The one you are getting involved with?”

“Yes. Andrei kidnapped her and I need to find her.”

“Shit! What do you need from me?”

“Andrei is in Kiev. Direct as many soldiers there.”

“I'll do it.”

“The Italians are with me. They came to help me find her.”

“The Belluccis?”



“Go now.”

“I'm on it.”

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.
