Page 24 of Virtuous Vows

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“Yes, when you wanted to have sex.”

“I wanted to eat you, but yes, after that, I planned to fuck you.”

“Yes, so, um…” How do I say this? I’venever confessed this to a guy. My sister is the one and only person I’ve told.

“Do you not want me to fuck you?” Dawson asks, leaning over the counter. “Because your body says otherwise. You unknowingly lean into my touch every time.”

I’m suddenly aware that I do exactly that.Fuck. And I slightly pull back away.

“It’s not that I don’t find you appealing. And if we hadn’t gotten interrupted on my sister’s wedding day, I may have gone further than I thought possible.”

“What do you mean?”

I give him my back as I grab the balsamic vinegar and mozzarella. I can’t be facing him for what I have to say next. “I’m a virgin,” I confess. I wait for him to say something. But when I don’t hear anything, I turn back to find him staring at me. “Dawson?”

“Is this some type of sick joke?”

“Sick joke?” I choke out.

“I don’t fuck virgins, I sell them.”

“Well, you almost did,” I tell him, my anger rising.

“Thank fuck I didn’t,” he bites back as he stands and heads for the door.

“Wait, Dawson,” I call after him.

He doesn’t turn back, and when he opens the door, there’s a seriously pissed-off Marco on the other side.

“I don’t appreciate you taking Mr. Ricci’s daughter out unattended,” he grits out.

Dawson ignores him as he pushes past, and I’m left standing there wondering what the hell just happened.



Did she drop that on me like it isn’t a big deal?

I’m not sure what she expected the outcome to be, but I sure as shit do not fuck virgins. I never have, and I never intend to. I need a clean break—this infatuation I have with Honey comes to a stop. Now.

I get it that it’s some people’s fetish. And it’s how I make a lot of fucking money, but that has never interested me. I like to fuck hard and fast, and you can’t fuck a virgin hard because it would scar them for life. And I would never inflict the same kind of pain that was forced on me time and time again. No. Fucking. Way.

No matter how much I want her, I will never take her as a virgin. I’m not even sure how it’s possible for someone who looks like her to be a virgin. I surround myself with beautiful women and men daily, and she isby far the prettiest of them all. It’s her natural charm and glow that draw others to her.

But how had I become susceptible to that?

Fuck, that must have been it.

This would have never happened if I’d had her sign an NDA because my contract states that they are not to lie about being a virgin. Not that she ever lied to me. I just never thought to ask.Why would I when she was so good at getting down on her knees and taking me in her mouth?I mean, until she imprinted her teeth on my cock. But my cock twitches at the thought, still wanting her to finish what she started.

I shut that thought out. I amnotfucking a virgin.

“You’re late,” Lesley declares as I enter the room for our meeting.

I want to see Honey.

I want to fuck her.
