Page 24 of Untamed Obsession

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His hands dropped immediately, leaving me hanging, driven with lust. How could he stay calm and collected when I was so deeply aroused even by his voice? There was only one answer: Angelo was the master of the game, and I was only a clueless pawn.

He walked back to his seat, smiling, enjoying his flawless victory.

I stood there for a minute, feeling absolutely dazed. My senses started returning to me, and as I stared at him, the lust in me only grew stronger. Who the hell did he think he was to treat and talk to me that way?

He picked up the fork and knife and sliced up the steak on his plate. It was as if nothing had happened. The dining room was less frivolous than the other rooms I’d been in, with only a large still-life portrait hanging on the left side of the wall. I was looking for something that would prove that some other woman had been here, someone who had also gone through this terror. Perhaps, I could snoop around later.

“Take a seat.”

“Is that all you do? Give orders?”

“No, I also punish naughty girls who won’t obey them.”

Girls. So, I wasn’t the only one. I was suddenly overcome with the impulsive desire to tell him just how upset he had made me. I don’t know whether it was because he had mentioned “girls”, or because I was generally sick of being treated this way.

“Sit down, Maria. I won’t ask again.”

I was tempted to ask what he would do if I disobeyed his orders, but instead, I walked to the table, drew out a seat for myself, and sat. He wasn’t even gentle enough to do it for me.

“I wish I’d never come here.”

Angelo stopped, and his eyes grew large for a minute. It was then that I realized that I had said the words out loud and not in my head, as I thought I had. We both shared a moment of shock, and for another second, he looked offended. But who was I kidding? He probably wished it too. I was probably the most stubborn girl he’d ever had to deal with.

He looked back down at his plate, and resumed eating, his hands slightly quivering. I was not going to fall for it. He was probably trying to make me feel guilty for what I said, but I did not regret it.

“Eat your food, girl.”

Girl. Not Maria anymore.Girl.

“I’m not hungry. I don’t want to eat.”

He looked up again, and his eyes were angry, as if to saydon’t test me.

A small part of me was frightened; another adventurous part of me wanted to know what he would do. So, I stood my ground. Even though I had a splitting headache from drinking last night, my stomach needed food so severely that I lied to have my way.

“I’m not hungry. I want to go home. You should let me go, that’s what I really want. Not your money, or your food, or your hospitality, or the new dresses, or whatever. I just want to go home. It’s inconceivable to you that for people like me, a home is worth more than expensive furniture and lavish rooms. Just let me go, I’m sick of this.”

I seemed to have struck another nerve. The craziest part of it was that I did not want to stop. The more I said, the more powerful I felt. It was a game of power with him, of who would outdo the other. I knew it was a fight I could not win, but it made me feel good for a minute, so I did not mind.

“Eat your food, or I’ll punish you,” he said through gritted teeth.

My mind fleeted back to the last punishment he had given me, and my heartbeat quickened. Thinking of it made my throat go dry, and my body almost immediately began to ache for his touch. How could my body betray me so easily? How could it be so different from my mind, from my soul? I knew I hated this man. I knew I hated him so much. But my body just wouldn’t be convinced. I leaned back in my seat to prove my rebellion. I wanted him to touch me, to punish me. Or else the lust that I felt would punish me by driving me insane.

Angelo cleaned his mouth with the napkin, dropped his fork, and stood up.

Anticipation was churning my stomach.

With anger, he held my seat and spun it towards himself. I was panting like a dog in a game of fetch. There was anger in his eyes, aggression, and lust. His eyes dropped to my low cleavage; his knees dropped to the floor. Angelo kneeling before me was a sight to behold. He smiled, and the arousal was there, clear as day on his face.

“Just because you’ve refused to eat, doesn’t mean I’m turning downmybreakfast,” he spoke slowly, and his eyes fell to my thighs widely exposed by the short length of the dress. “I’m going to teach you how to be a good girl and how to show respect to the people deserving of it.”

“You’ve kept me here against my will. You’re not one to talk about respect.” My voice was quivering.

He took one look at me and grinned. “Against your will?” His hand drove my legs apart, and his head bent and blew air on my pussy. My heart almost stopped. He blew gently, his breath surprisingly cold. I could not stop my body from twitching and leaning into him. The bastard was teasing me. When his tongue finally touched me, it was like pouring gasoline into a fire.

“Is this against your will?” he murmured, kissing my thighs.

I had no response to give him. At this moment, the only sounds that came out of my mouth were vowels and soft moans. He was sogood. His hair was silky soft in my hands.
