Page 25 of Untamed Obsession

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“Is this against your will?” He said louder, and it startled me for a bit.

He was looking up at me, waiting for an answer.

I could not bring myself to say yes or no. Grabbing his hair again, I pushed him towards my thighs. But that would not do. He needed a response.

“Don’t stop,” I begged.

That was good enough for him. He dropped his head back between my thighs and started kissing his way around my wetness. I moaned loudly, surprised at how loud I was being. No man had ever made me this way before. It was as much a surprise to him as it was to me that this shy girl could make such sexy noises.

It was mind-blowing how wonderfully his tongue could move. It dived into my pussy like a spade, and it glided over my thighs like a wave. I could feel my own heat between my thighs, and that was more than I had ever felt. My head felt like it was about to explode. He suckled at me like he was trying to extract juice from a fruit. The more I moaned, the more driven he was to lick my nub.

“Oh, God! Please... Please don’t stop!”

He didn’t stop.

Only when it seemed like my whole body was going to explode did he stop and warn me: “Don’t come yet. Get up.”

I jumped to my feet, amazed at how quickly I obeyed his command.

He sat on the chair and placed me on his lap, lifting my dress, so my bare ass was exposed. My eyes were pleading with him not to stop, and he enjoyed the misery he saw in them.

He dipped his fingers into my wet pussy, and they slid in effortlessly. Then he started thrusting back and forth, his other hand slapping me hard on the ass.

At first, I was taken aback by the pain and why he had thought to inflict it on me, but it soon felt good. His fingers were diving into my pussy, his hands grabbing and slapping my ass. The pain was mixed with pleasure, and I was almost crying from the glory of it.

“Oh yes,” I begged. “Just like that. Oh, just like that.” I wasn’t aware that those words could sound so unholy. The parts of me he was awakening were parts of me that I had never known before.

“Tell me that you’re sorry,” he demanded, thrusting deeper with his fingers inside me.

I screamed out in pleasure. His hands hit my ass again, and this time, all hell seemed to break loose inside of me. I was no longer in control of my body or aware of what I was doing, and I was crossing a border I had never crossed before. Shivering and moaning, I came around his fingers, releasing a flood I had no idea was inside me. He pulled out and stared at me with disapproval.

Beneath me, I felt his hard dick. I wanted so badly to take it in my hands and taste him. I wanted to make him cry out, in the same way he had made me. God, where were all these dirty thoughts coming from? A month back, I would never have imagined I would find myself in such a state, writhing in pleasure with this crime lord between my legs

“You were not supposed to come.” Angelo slapped my ass twice in disapproval. “Next time, you do not come until I ask you to. Is that understood?”

I remained silent.

“Is thatunderstood?” He pinched my ass, and I winced.

I nodded slowly at him.

He smiled lightly and kissed my shoulders. I wondered what was in it for him. I could tell he was getting satisfaction from pleasuring me, but he wasn’t getting any pleasure himself. And yet, I would never allow myself to be the one to offer my body to him. That would show him that I was already, unwillingly, bent to his will. I needed to make him beg for me, and somehow, it felt as if the roles were being reversed.

I should have listened to my gut when I had the chance. There was no one else to blame for this other than me. I had wanted to turn down his invitation. I had wanted to simply forget that I had lost my job, and as Johnny had advised, to leave him be. But by some cruel twist of fate, I had decided to come here, and now I had only myself to blame.

We got up from our bliss, and he walked back to his seat, straightening his shirt. “You better eat your food, or I’ll punish you again. Harder this time, and I won’t be nearly as generous.”

Though it stirred disgust within me, I fancied the thought of being punished again. Still, I could not believe the things I had just let this man do to me. I had claimed that I hated him, yet I let him touch me in a way I had never been touched before and command my body. I hated myself for the way I let him do all these things to me. It was ridiculous. When I get back home, where would I tell my mother I had spent the last few days? That was if he was even planning to let me go anytime soon.

Angelo carried on eating as if nothing had happened. He turned to me to check if I would pick up the fork and start eating too, or if I was interested in another round of punishment.

I picked up the cutlery and started eating. It was terrific, but I couldn’t appreciate it right now. All my senses lay dead from the orgasm I had just experienced. I knew that even months later, late at night, I would dream of him doing the same things to me, and I would feel no shame, or guilt.

I ate quickly and finished my food before him. When he was done, he watched me closely. Then he licked his fingers—those same fingers that had been inside me.

I swallowed hard and looked away from him.

