Page 31 of Untamed Obsession

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“You always smell so good,” he said, leading me back to reality. “You know, the first time we met at the hospital, despite the clinical smell hospitals have, the air around you smelled so warm. I guess it was one of the things that drew me to you.Oneof the things,” he insisted.

He pressed his fingers to my shoulders and slowly drew his hands down my arms. I shivered at his touch. It wasn’t fair that the kind moments we shared were starting to mingle with the lust we felt for each other. However, I wanted him so badly. Even when he was speaking of his father, there were times he paused, and I had watched his lips, thinking about how good they would feel on my skin and how they were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

“Well, you smell reallyrich,” I complimented back. He laughed and it made me giggle too. I wanted to make him happy and see him laugh like that again.

“You look really beautiful when you laugh like that,” I added.

He paused for a long minute, surprised at the sudden compliment. And he smiled even more. “You look really beautiful always.”

I held his hands, and he tightened his grip around mine. I knew what I was about to do now, and I knew that I really wanted it. There would be no room for regret. I brought his hands between my legs.

His eyes darkened at the invitation. He was gentle yet, at the same time, rough. I could feel him wanting all of me. I giggled at how impatiently he shoved my legs apart. His hands crept up my waist and cupped my breasts. They fit so perfectly in his hands. I closed my eyes as he touched my rosy nipples. He took a minute to observe me, like I was a piece of art. No man had ever looked at me the way he did, in total admiration.

His hands traced my body, running down my waist and between my hips. I begged him in a series of moans to touch me, to do the things he did with his mouth that stole all my senses away, and then to let me feel him, too. I reached for his groin and touched him softly.

I saw the look on his face. He was surprised that I wanted to touch him. I wasn’t playing by his rules this time. I waited for him to stop me, but he didn’t. So, I reached for him deeper.

“I’m being felt up in my own home.”

I forced a laugh. Now was time for serious business. I had never done this before, and I was more nervous than I had ever been. He was bigger than I expected. Not that I knew anything about men and sizes, apart from what I’d caught on TV and a few X-rated magazines. I’ve never seen a man so bare in real life before; my relationships have never gotten that far or that comfortable. Holding him tightly, I rubbed him back and forth. He moaned silently and leaned back, his hands holding his weight up. It made me feel powerful being able to do these things to him and make him feel this way. Was this how he felt each time he did it to me?

There was also something else I had never done, but that I had fantasized about doing a few times. I bent down and slid his dick reluctantly into my mouth. I tried hiding my teeth beneath my tongue, scared to hurt him.

“Oh God,” he groaned loudly and grabbed my hair. “Fuck.”

It was my first time doing this to a man, and the sensation was more than I could ever have imagined. I wanted to taste all of him, so I tested myself to see how far in I could take him without gagging. I lifted my head when I reached my limits and went down on him again. His hands were on my ass, squeezing it, and it drove me crazy.

He controlled the motion as I sucked him; his hands were in my hair, pushing my mouth down his cock. I touched his balls and Angelo breathed even heavier, if that was possible, and called my name. I felt so powerful. I moaned with his dick in my throat when he pushed his fingers into my pussy.

“Fuck… You’re so warm.”

I had no idea whether he was talking about my pussy or my mouth, but I could hardly think of anything. He felt so perfect in my mouth.

He stopped and lifted my head up, and then he looked me dead in the eyes. “I want to fuck you. Right now, right here.”

The hesitation in my eyes must have been obvious because as much as he yearned for me, he stopped and stared at me inquisitively instead. I had kept this secret for too long, and I knew I had to tell him. It could have changed things between us, but it wasn’t something I could keep from him any longer.

“I... I haven’t done this before.”

He looked confused like I’d spoken in a foreign language. “Done what? What do you mean?”

I bit my lips. The silence lingered for too long. When I turned, he seemed to have realized what I was trying to say.

“You’re avirgin?”

I nodded. Whatever reaction I was hoping to get was not the one I got. His face was blank for a couple of seconds, leading into a minute, and then he smiled.

“God, Maria. You’re so beautiful, so wonderful.” He touched my face and kissed me hard on the lips, all the while I was lost in his thought process. “You’re going to enjoy this, I swear. I’ll make it good for you.”

He lifted me up and took me into his bedroom, which was dimly lit.

We kissed all the way to the bed, where he fell on me and lifted my legs around him. “Only if you’re ready,” he said.

This was my chance to sayno. Why was I hesitating? Angelo was about to fuck me for the first time in my life, and I would let him.

Since there was no objection, he touched me again, ensuring I was ready for him. I moaned endlessly, so deeply aroused that when the tip of his dick slid between my legs, it felt like I had run out of breath. Only now did I realize how scared I truly was. I’d heard so many horror stories of the pain that accompanied a woman’s first time.

He looked into my eyes again, giving me one more chance to object. I closed my eyes with unspoken consent.
