Page 32 of Untamed Obsession

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There was a slight feeling of discomfort as he slid into me at first. I gripped his shoulders so hard I was sure I had hurt him. I pushed him away to adjust to the feeling of him inside me, but he pressed down stubbornly, holding me calmly.

“It’s okay. I’ll be gentle, my lioness.”

I didn’t see how the pain could hurt any less. But he was right. After the first couple of strokes, the pleasure started to seep back in, and I was completely lost in him. He kissed my body everywhere, and I could feel the sweat from our bodies that only added more to the pleasure.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he was saying, thrusting into me. He was gentle, as though he was handling a butterfly—something I wasn’t expecting. Yet, at the same time, it was like he was another person, his true self. His strokes were gentle, then they were not. He spanked me on the ass, gently first to test the waters, and I loved it, even though I would never admit it to him. After some time, where I was sure my ass had turned red, he lowered his lips to my flesh, biting and nibbling. He was careful not to hurt me since I was still so tight, but I enjoyed the pain just as much as he enjoyed being the cause of it.

Finally, we both came, Angelo shaking and swearing. I moaned softly as he fell beside me. Angelo grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it. For a minute, we both stared at each other, a small smile tugging at the side of our lips. Then I looked away and stared at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. My throat felt so dry.

For the next few minutes, we lay there in silence. Neither of us said a word. I guess he was still reveling in the intensity of his orgasm. I was still coming to terms with what I had just done, knowing I had breached a point of no return. It was something I could not take back now, even if I would come to regret it.

“It’ll get better,” he turned and said to me. “With time, it’ll hurt a lot less.”

We kissed for a minute, and I smiled. He fell asleep shortly after. I was awake for a long while, staring at how handsome he was when he slept.

On my way to the bathroom to wash up, I noticed a few droplets of blood on the bedsheets.

Even though I had probably ruined his expensive sheets, I didn’t care. My mind was lost instead on recalling what had happened between them.

* * *

The next morning when I awoke, I was surprised to see that Angelo was already awake and dressed. He stood in front of his mirror playing with his tie. I pretended to still be asleep for a few more minutes to watch him.

We had sex. We hadactuallyhad sex. It dawned on me again that we had shared our bodies last night. It was a new dawn, and I did not know how to feel about it. In a way, I was fine. But I was overcome with a fresh bout of guilt. I’d been away for days, and my mother was sick. I was fucking a billionaire while she was edging onto her deathbed. What was I doing?

“I want to go home,” I suddenly said. He turned, surprised to see me awake. “My mother, she’s sick and has no one to take care of her,” I added because, for some unexplainable reason, I wanted to show that it had nothing to do with him, not to hurt his feelings.

“You look so beautiful when you sleep, you know?” He said, trying to distract me.


He sighed. “She’s been taken care of. She’s currently being hospitalized in one of the best centers in town and receiving top-notch treatment, so you have nothing to worry about. I took care of it, just like I promised.”

I was speechless for a whole minute. “Why... Why would you do that?”

Angelo smiled again. Not the smile that made him look like a devil, but the one that made my heart skip a beat.

“I have to go to work. I’ll be back late. Entertain yourself while I’m gone.”

He kissed my forehead and walked away. I lay in bed, speechless, surprised that he would do that for me. Why was he making it hard to hate him? Why was I starting to feel funny around him?

Perhaps, there was a part of him that wasn’t all dark. Maybe he was only different when it came to me.

I remembered then that I had a dream of him and me in my sleep. We were so happy, and then something happened. I can’t remember what, but it ended with me in tears, screaming at him for something he did. I had no idea what to do with it, or if it was a sign of things to come. Now Angelo wasn’t just my abductor, he was my obsession.

I pulled myself out of bed and decided to explore the rest of the floor to distract myself from my dangerous thoughts. I had to get out at some point, and when he got back, I would make sure he let me go. I picked up the telephone on the table, and the line was picked up almost instantly, as Dorothy’s voice rung out from the device. “Miss Doyle! Do you need something?”

“Yes, I just woke up and, honestly, I would like some company,” I replied.

“Of course, would you like some food as well? It has been a couple of hours, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were hungry,” Dorothy replied in her matter-of-fact manner.

“Yeah, I am. But I don’t want anything fancy, okay? Can we just get a pizza, or something good and greasy?” I asked. “I can pay if-”

“It's fine. I’ll take care of everything. What would be your preferred toppings?”

“Anything that isn’t pineapples or mushrooms. Let the pizza take its time, and just come up here, okay?”

“Of course,” Dorothy replied.
