Page 114 of Four Night Stand

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Jules hums and plays her fingers over his skin. Yes, they had a big emotional moment, but it has been an entire week since they’ve touched. She’s not a saint. ‘What do you want to do instead?’

His voice drops low and gravelly. ‘So many things. You have no idea.’

‘I have some idea. We never did get around to that loincloth thing.’

Cameron laughs and shivers race up Jules’s back. ‘That’s still tabled. There’s something else I want to do more now, anyway.’

‘What’s that?’

‘Can I kiss you? Please?’

Jules’s stomach swoops. ‘Yes.’

His lips descend on hers. Fire. Like the first time they kissed. Heat spreads from Cameron’s hands and his lips until Jules is alight. She tastes spearmint and Cameron and she smiles against his lips while he pulls them closer together, bowing her body against his, feeling the shape of him like walking through her front door.


Jules paces the length of the room, her footsteps on the wooden floorboards echoing in the empty space.

‘What’re you thinking?’ Cameron leans against the doorframe, watching her with that soft smile that teases at his dimples which means he’s feeling content.

‘I’m thinking … this feels right.’ She runs her hand over the off-white walls and does another slow loop.

‘What about you?’ she asks when she makes it back to him. ‘Not feeling like running?’ After ten months of dating, it’s almost an in-joke now, and a gentle way for her to check in with Cameron.

‘Bit late now, isn’t it? The moving van will be here in half an hour.’

Jules digs her fingers into his side and tickles. Cameron gasps and bats her hands away, before bundling her in his arms and kissing her breathless.

‘I’m joking.’ He runs a hand over her plait, tugging it around to lay over her shoulder. ‘Not a chance I’m running from this.’

‘Good. Because there have been times when—’

‘One time. There was one time, and I lasted all of ten minutes before I was running back to you, calling you on the phone to apologise and tell you I loved you too.’

Jules grins and slides her hands up his arms. ‘I remember.’

It had been oddly romantic, with the stormy weather and the desperate way Cameron announced his love on the doorstep of her share house, even with Cat and Tori snooping from down the corridor.

‘And now I have no issue with it. Watch this.’ He takes her hands in his and faces her head on, a confident smile on his face, love shining in his eyes. ‘Jules. Julianne. I love you.’

Butterflies in her stomach. They still appear every time. She leans in to kiss him, getting carried away tracing his lips with her tongue. ‘I love you too.’

He presses a kiss to her temple, then throws an arm around her shoulders and turns to look at the empty room. Large enough to work as a combined living and dining area, with the kitchen through one of the doors at the far wall, the other leading to a tiny, paved courtyard.

‘You’re right, though.’ Cameron rubs his palm up and down her arm, sending pleasant warmth through her body. ‘This does feel right. We were practically living together in Canberra, anyway. It was time to move in together officially.’

Jules sighs and leans her face into his chest, breathing him in, trying to imprint this moment in her soul. The solidness of his arm around her, the steady beat of his heart beneath her cheek.

The moment she moves in with the man she loves.

‘But we’re not accepting your dad’s offer to build us a custom storage unit for our record collection when he’s next in Australia,’ Cameron says.

She looks up at him. ‘Why not?’

‘Because I’ve heard the stories your mum tells and I prefer not to live with the risk of the shelving falling off the wall onto my head when I’m sitting on the couch.’

Jules winces at the image. ‘Agree. But we’re letting your mum give us some artwork, right?’
