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My stomach roiled, the sour taste of bile flooding my mouth as I silently gagged. With any luck, this place would be burned to the ground by the binding ceremony scheduled for next month.

I tuned out the grunts and groans of Jordan as he jerked himself off in the attached bathroom. Fucker had left the door open, but that wasn’t uncommon. The amount of guys I’d heard jerk off in here since I’d arrived four months earlier was enough to shrivel my dick permanently.

Glancing around, I took in the long, rectangular space. With rough-hewn wooden planks for the walls, floors, and ceiling, the beta barracks weren’t much. Mostly just rows of bunk beds with some tables and mismatched chairs in the middle. A few windows allowed minimal sunlight since the compound was buried deep inside the forest.

Each set of bunks shared a dresser with space for our uniforms—khaki cargo pants and black shirts with black jackets for when it got cold. There wasn’t much privacy to be had, especially sharing this space with twenty-one other beta males.

But since this barrack specifically was for the beta guards, we also had our own bathroom.

The bathroom resembled a lot of locker rooms I’d been in growing up. Basic blue tiles and several stalls for toilets. Urinals on the walls and a shower room with ten shower heads. A row of utilitarian white sinks and a long, cracked mirror above them.

Jordan swore a blue streak from the other room, and I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. At least Jordan didn’t take that long to get himself off.

And it was a sad fucking fact that I knew the average wank time for almost every guy that slept in this room.

I’d been in some questionable places in my career, this probably took the top spot in absolute shit.

“Suck my fat cock, omega bitch,” Jordan groaned, his voice echoing over the tiles and carrying to me.

Motherfucker was imaging her right now.

I shoved off the bed and paced to the far end of the room to keep from beating the shit out of Jordan and blowing my cover.

After this, I was due a long-ass break.

I’d worked for the FBI for almost five years, and my pack rarely took a vacation, but after this, I was tapping out for a few weeks, and I didn’t even care if they fired me for it.

Honestly, the FBI was working hard to weed betas out of split designation teams. Ever since President Anders had been elected two years earlier, the whole administration had started focusing more on designation distinction.

Having a beta in an alpha pack wasn’t abnormal in life, and it was too commonplace for the government to institute alpha-only packs, but they could force the designations to separate professionally by claiming alphas would inherently worry that betas would be at risk in a team or squad setting.

I got it. Alphas were bigger, stronger, more dominant and aggressive. Betas were smaller, weaker, and tended to go with the flow. And maybe in some circumstances it didn’t work, but in our team, it did.

We each had a role to play, and I was confident enough to admit I was damn good at mine. Besides, no alpha could have infiltrated the Alpha Preservation Alliance. The only alphas allowed in were ones that had connections here because they were related to, or friends of, the High Alpha, Donovan Ellis.

When my pack had first stumbled onto the APA group, we’d thought they were another homegrown terrorist cell that was stockpiling and selling illegal arms across the US/Canadian border.

That was why I was here.

One of the alphas on my team never would’ve made it through the front gates. But a beta who happened to get ‘drunk’ in a bar APA members were known to frequent, who lamented that all the problems of the world could be fixed by alphas taking the seat of power… Yeah, these fuckers ate that shit up.

Plus, with the military background the FBI had set up, it was only a few weeks before I’d been promoted to guard.

But, fuck me, I’d never expected what I’d find when I’d gotten here.

Guns, sure.

Terrorists, okay.

Brainwashed idiots who acted like it was a beta’s duty and honor to serve an alpha, whatever.

But then I’d seen her.


A petite omega being held against her will, and my entire mission shifted into doing whatever it took to keep her safe.

Jordan roared his climax in the other room, no doubt thinking of Hazel when he did it. Her haunted green eyes with the ring of gold around the pupil. The soft curl of her reddish-brown hair. The scent of chocolate cake that had me salivating every time I was within smelling distance of her.
